Submitted by Jon on 2009/06/01 08:29
I may be mistaken, but it seems that there are built in work hours (8:00am - 6:00pm). Is there any way to adjust these times?


The Gantt component is capable of handling non-working hours, but this hasn't been implemented yet.


2009/06/02 09:41

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thank you for this iinformation. Is there an entry that I can kame in one of the ini files that could adjust this? Or is this something you must program?


2009/06/02 09:55

In reply to by Jon

I'll add it in the next release (in a couple of days)


2009/06/02 09:58

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I'll add it in the next release (in a couple of days)
Cool. Thanks!


2009/09/29 18:56

In reply to by Jon

I'll add it in the next release (in a couple of days)
Cool. Thanks!
Once I have created a gantt using the standard configuration - how do I get back in to alter the number of hours in a working day?
The only place that allows me to make changes to the gantt seems restricted to just a few parameters - eg the selector zoom.


2009/09/29 23:31

In reply to by david1904

Oups... it was never done .
It is now done:
Grid>>Properties>>Gantt: Non working hours: select all non-working hours.


2009/06/02 10:27

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Pierre, will UltraRecall import be in that release? TIA
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1