First let me state that I love this program and have donatated and have a license. i have played around with the sample file to learn how to use the software. Then I decide to create a new file and much to my surprise the newly creted file is the same as the sample file. I was expecting a blank file. Ok then I go into tools database management and delete all items, so far so good. Then I go into grids management and start deleting grids that I don't want,I prefer to create my own grids. After deleting the grids and saving and hitting f5 to refresh. I start to create new grids to my surprise the ones I deleted are still there! sometimes it takes 3 times or more to really get rid of the grids! Why is this? Would it be possible for you to create a blank file no grids but keep your fields, they are useful. I just like to create my own grids. Also is it possible to use weekend dates in the gantt chart. I'm a workaholic,if it is possible i can't figure it out. Thanks again for a truly wonderful program. I'm using the latest portable version.