Submitted by Maxbear35 on 2022/02/16 11:00

Ver 119C

Not sure where this goes. Maybe that's the way it works in IQ.

In my IQ CTRL X does NOT erase for later pasting. It's is inert.

Any help would be appreciated.







Could be due to your custom shortcuts

If you click on the Edit menu, is there a Ctrl+X after the Cut command ? If not, do Tools > Keyboard shortcuts > Reset Shortcuts

Ctrl X now working correctly - Thank you.

When making custom shortcut I need to understand the left side numeric setting. Can you tell me how to set that up correctly




You don't normally need to edit the keyboard shortcut file. But if you do, it is:

CommandID + Tab + ShortcutKeys + Tab + Descriptor (not used, for information only)

To find the CommandID, search the All Shortcut file (Tools > Keyboard Shortcut > View All Shortcut)

note: The "normal" way to set shortcuts is to use the UI (Tools > Keyboard Shortcut > Customize)




I reset all shortcuts and got Ctrl X working

..and then I find Ctrl C copy (as plain text) does not work anymore


So at the moment I have to Ctrl X the material I want to copy / Ctrl V to replace it back and then Ctrl V again to paste it into the place I want.

It's confusing.  How can I get the basic windows Ctrl C  . Ctrl V  Ctrl X working as they should in IQ.


Might be helpful to add a copy as plain text to the menu to make it consistent with the paste as plain text menu item.


Further confusion. The Copy command shows (and operates) as CTRL INS on my system. I see it in the custom shortkeys file BUT I can not find that key to re assign in the customization menu. Where is it?


Follow up
After re-setting all short cuts I seem to have got everything but Ctrl C working.
IQ stubbornly says Copy is set to  Ctrl-INS not Ctrl C

I simply can't find a way to change it to Ctrl C (if there is one) however I have found a workaround.

I am using asutype software to switch CTRL INS to Ctrl C

Works fine.

Asutype has a neat commend to say only do this switch in this particular software (IInfoQube.exe) so it doesn't interfere with any other software use of either ctrl ins  or ctrl C.

Ok I know Pierre or somebody else will roll their eyes and say what a kludge but it works for me and as I am up to my ass in alligators I can't be draining the swamp just yet.

One IQ newbies tale.




... "it works for me and as I am up to my ass in alligators I can't be draining the swamp just yet."

That gave me a laugh :-)

Re Ctrl+C, I posted elsewhere that I had to reset *all* shortcuts -- selecting the option "User defined shortcuts will be deleted", in order to get copy, cut, etc. shortcuts to work again. Custom shortcuts will be removed! These can be saved beforehand though ("View custom shortcuts" > Save as) and reloaded -- NOTE I have not tried this step. I plan to add them individually as I dont have many.

How do I ?