Submitted by viking on 2022/02/20 19:24

I am trying to use the new Find and Filter dialogue;

Case 1. I want to find all items that have Tag1 (there are 7). I put Tag1 into the search box and select Match Fields = All columns. => I get a single item "Tag1". That obviously doesn't work...
However, I can find all items with Tag1 by double-clicking on Tag1 in the Tag pane.

Case 2. I now want to find all items that have Tag1 AND Tag2. The only way I can figure out is to open a scratch grid and use #Tag1 and #Tag2 as the source.

Case 3. I now want to find all items that have Tag1 OR Tag2. The only way I can figure out is to open a scratch grid and use #Tag1 or #Tag2 as the source.

Is there any way to use the new Find and Filter dialogue for these three cases?


Hi viking,

I'll enable using the Find / Filter dialog to search for empty string with a filter. Right now, if you enter [a-z] and in (5) add the filter #Tag1 OR #Tag2, select Show in Search Grid, it will work

Of course, there are many other ways to get your answer... You described one, but the Tags pane (see doc of course) and Live-Search (see doc) can both do this for you. And yes, typing it as a grid source is quick and easy !. Plus, it you use the Filter textbox, instead of the Source, you get the added benefit of filter history using the dropdown.

Lots of options already !


How do I ?