Submitted by WayneK on 2022/08/02 11:02

Column filter stops working

1) Set up: two vertical tab groups

2) Apply column filter to yes/no column in right pane to display only unchecked items.

3) After a minute or so, the right pane spontaneously refreshes itself and the column filter is lost (all items display).

Tested above 10+ times with same result.  Refreshing the screen causes the filter to work again but only for a short period.


Win10, 120Pre24


Hi Wayne,

Is it possible that the same grid is opened twice ? I think a recent change to grid auto-updates could cause an instance of Grid1 could sync with another instance of the same grid. I will be fixed if you can confirm this is the case

There's only one instance of the grid. 

This might be a clue:

1) Refresh screen.  Column filter is correctly applied.

2) 40-45 seconds later, the screen refreshes and the filtered items re-appear.

I timed it three times and it refreshed at the same point each time.

It refreshes and loses the filter even if no action of any kind is taken after the initial refresh to apply the filter.


Bug reports