Submitted by patrick on 2023/06/02 14:31

I tried to get recurring Due Dates to work but couldn't. I've tried both the "Next Task Actions" and the "Repeating Event" feature of DueDate, but neither one worked.

1. I have setup a test task per Example 2 in on the web page:

I expected that the Due Date would be automatically updated to a new Due Date (by adding the NextTaskDelay to today) when I completed the task, but it didn't work. I have tried the settings in Example 1 for "Next task actions" and it still didn't work.

2. Then, I tried setting a daily repeat for a test task (by using the "Edit" button from the calendar pop up when I click on the "DueDate" field), and I still couldn't get the task to repeat after it is completed.

Are there additional settings I need for this feature to work? Is it a bug?




Any updates? The inability to make recurring Due Dates work is one of key reasons I haven't fully adopted InfoQube as my primary task manager. Any help would be appreciated.


Hi Patrick,

Sorry, I missed your original post. Indeed, the Next Task Actions feature was broken. It is now fixed and included in v122w to be released this week.

In the current version, when you mark an item with repeating events, a dialog is shown to update the event date. So it you set a repeat pattern for the Due Date field, it will be set to the next repeat instance

Thanks for reporting

Bug reports