InfoQube v1.123.2 is now available !

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2023/10/06 14:50

Hi IQ Users !

Version v122 brought over 50 new features and even more important bug fixes. It was long in the making, that is for sure (7 months!)

We're now transitioning to more focused updates with shorter release cycles. This will provide IQ users with a clearer view of what each version brings to the table!

Also part of this transition, contributing users (donations, Patreon) will get access to all versions while non-contributing ones will only be able to access the final stable release.

Finally, to reflect the stability of InfoQube IM as an information management platform, versions will have a new naming scheme.

To simplify its UI, v123 includes the very trendy NavBar aka left navigation pane. Many modern app have adopted it

In v1.123.2

  1. New: NavBar aka left navigation pane! Direct access to most IQ features
  2. New: NavBar: Favorite Grids: Much like items, grids can now easily be set to be a Favorite
  3. New: NavBar: Now includes Grid groups
  4. New: NavBar: Grid hierarchy: Arrange grids in a hierarchy. Use Drag-Drop or Alt+Up/Down/Left/Right
  5. New: NavBar: Added support for precision touchpads
  6. New: NavBar: Added context menus
  7. New: NavBar: Added support for drag-drop (items, grid groups, grid hierarchy, fields)
  8. New: NavBar: Added Tags. Click to view items with a given Tag
  9. New: NavBar: Improved keyboard shortcuts (F5 to refresh, Ctrl+Left/Right/Space to expand/collapse)
  10. New: NavBar: Enter key triggers default action (show event/item/grid, etc)
  11. New: NavBar: Current view and current item are now highlighted
  12. New: NavBar: Support Ctrl+C to copy an item
  13. New: NavBar: Drag-drop an item to view
  14. New: NavBar: Tags section now shows expand buttons when a tag has sub-tags (same as the Tags pane in flatview)
  15. New: NavBar and Tags pane: Tooltip now shows parent tag(s). Useful when in flat view
  16. Fixed: NavBar: Changes to item favorites did not refresh the list
  17. New: Live-Search: ?? command button can now show items with circular references
  18. New: Surface: Drag-drop and copy/paste content now creates items. Use this to collect web clippings. Content source is saved in the URL field
  19. New: Card view: Drag-drop and copy/paste content now creates items (i.e. cards). Use this to collect web clippings. Content source is saved in the URL field
  20. New: Grid: Conditional formatting: Font now support font size. Format: FontName,
  21. New: Grid: Drag-drop: When dropping text content to the grid, a dialog is shown to select the action. Can be disabled. Press Ctrl to force display
  22. New: Properties pane and Tags pane: Pane width is now saved
  23. New: Tags pane: When deleting a tag, if there is a parent tag, option to transfer item tags to the parent tag
  24. New: Item Editor: Tags and Folders pane: Pane width is now saved
  25. New: Event dialog: For events that do not have an associated item (from Goggle Calendar sync), option to create a matching item. Once created, values, tags and sub-items can be added
  26. New: Event dialog: Mark as Done button now reflects the Done status of the item
  27. New: Fields: Auto-assign rules that set a non-existing tag will create the tag (placed under the AutoGenerated entry)
  28. New: Memory monitor: IQ now monitors memory usage and will prompt if it exceeds the user set threshold
  29. New: More Info pane: Caption shows current and peak memory usage
  30. New: Global Windows hotkey to show/hide the IQ window (default is Alt+Win+I)
  31. New: Options: Minimize instead of close
  32. New: Option to show/hide the asterisk on unloaded tabs
  33. New: After a database rebuild, a dialog is now shown to open (or not) the rebuilt file
  34. Change: Grid: Paste command no longer prompts to select plain text or HTML format. Plain text (or IQ's rich text format) is now used
  35. New: /Files command line parameter: enter a comma separated list of files to
  36. Change: Surface, Surface view, Card view: Links are now added by holding the Shift key followed by a left-click and drag from one item to another (right-click didn't work on touchpads)
  37. Change: Home Pages: numerous small changes. Added possibility to hide the default home page
  38. Fixed: In v1.123.0, creating a grid or a field caused a crash. All users should upgrade!
  39. Fixed: Grid: Add Column dialog: Edit description: spaces were not accepted
  40. Fixed: Grid: Drag-drop lists from the Doc pane: item order was reversed
  41. Fixed: Grid: The ItemValues column showed field values even if Hide in Prop pane is checked
  42. Fixed: Grid: The ItemValues column did not updated when expanding an item
  43. Fixed: Grid: If the source contains a Tag with : in the name, the grid didn't
    show any items
  44. Fixed: Grid: Drag-drop "red" line was not always shown
  45. Fixed: Calendar: When focus in on another UI, all top row buttons require 2 clicks instead of 1
  46. Fixed: Calendar: For events that do not have an associated item, Ctrl+D did show the Delete dialog
  47. Fixed: Card view: Delete item context menu was missing
  48. Fixed: Item Editor: Fixed display issue when Windows is set to custom scaling
  49. Fixed: Doc pane: When editing, sometimes the focus is lost and users must click in the pane to continue typing
  50. Fixed: Doc pane: Adding / removing spaces could prevent incorrect word wrap
  51. Fixed: Tags pane: if both the parent tag and the child tag are set, the parent tag is not shown correctly
  52. Fixed: Event dialog: Delete button did not show the Delete Event dialog
  53. Fixed: Date dialog: Improved display when Windows is set to custom scaling (hit: best is to use stock scaling, not custom scaling)
  54. Fixed: EmailToIQ and Clipper>EmailToIQ: numerous fixes
  55. Fixed: Tab context menu: Close Other Tabs did not work for dashboard-type tabs

What's up for the next version, v1.124? What is super trendy apart from NavBars?

Dark mode... yes, v1.124 will focus on themes and in particular implementing a decent Dark theme 😯👌, in time for Christmas🎁

Pre-release versions are exclusive to Donators and Patrons. Direct download links have been sent to eligeable users. Contact us if you haven't received your.
Financial support is essential to help us create the best information management tool!
Others can download the last released version, v1.123.2, here


IQ Designer

Christmas is coming soon, why not feel generous and Contribute to InfoQube Dev, for as little as $3.50 per month 🎁



Good to see you moving to a more sustainable funding model. Just to check my understanding: 

How does one access the new version as a donator, but not Patreon supporter? Or has the old donation system been deprecated? 

Hi Cyganet,

Or has the old donation system been deprecated? 

No it hasn't of course. We'll be sending direct download link by email to qualifying users shortly. Eventually, this will be integrated into the IQ app itself.

Thanks for your support

IQ Designer

Hi IQ Users!

v1.123.0.Pre2 includes the new Left "navigation" pane. It is the first version, which, if not fully functional, has the following features:

  1. Top row of useful shortcuts
  2. New button (new item, event, task, reminder, grid, etc)
  3. Search
  4. Home pane
  5. Calendar
  6. Events on a given day
  7. Links to items (recent, favorites)
  8. Links to grids
    1. Favorite grids (new feature)
    2. Recent grids
    3. Tree-view of grids (new feature, use Alt-Arrow to rearrange the grid hierarchy)


Patrons have immediate access to this version, along with donators (with total donations of 60USD and more). A one-time email will be sent to all qualifying users with a direct download link.

In v1.123.0.Pre2:

  1. New: Left navigation pane! Direct access to most IQ features
  2. New: Left pane: Favorite grids: Much like items, grids can now easily be set to be a Favorite
  3. New: Left pane: Grid hierarchy: Arrange grids in a hierarchy. Use Alt+Up/Down/Left/Right (same as fields in the Proeprties pane, drag-drop coming soon)

Available now!

Thanks for your patience, it was quite a bit of work, but definitely worth it!

IQ Designer

Email links have been sent to donators. If you haven't received it, check your spam folder. If you still haven't received the link, contact us, perhaps your email is different than what we have on record.

IQ Designer

Thank you for the link! Just downloaded the new version.

Really nice navigation pane. I need to sort out a DPI issue on my system, I think, since the icons in the top row are blurry and further apart, and the navigation pane ends halfway through the binoculars, and cuts off the right arrow next to Today. Making the pane wider or narrower doesn't help, it just adds more space between the icons.

The icons in my toolbars are not blurry, by the way, just the ones in the navigation pane.


I tried to reproduce the scaling issue but could not (went up to 200% scaling, with or without "system enhanced")

Can you both report:

  1. your OS
  2. Do you have more than one display?
  3. For each display, report display settings (% from dropdown list, or custom % ratio)
  4. What are the infoqube.exe high-dpi compatibility settings (file > properties)
  5. Help > About > Support: select to scroll to Screen DPI



This is a great leap forward! Quick question: will the navigation pane keyboard shortcuts be comparable to the properties pane? I see up and down arrow works, but I' don't see a way to expand/collapse.

Another issue: the Today folder under Calendar in the Navigation Pane doesn't update properly if I make making changes in the Calendar grid to events synced from Google Calendar. (I don't have this problem with events entered directly into the IQ calendar.) For example, if I delete some of today's events from my IQ calendar which are synced to Gcal, these events are not deleted in the Today folder in the Navigation pane.


Hi IQ Users!

v1.123.0.Pre3 is now online. Most of the reported issues have been fixed. Donators and Patrons can now download it.

Additional features will be added in the next release (enhanced keyboard shortcuts, grid groups, etc)


IQ Designer

Thanks for this update! Wow, I really appreciate the recent items lists. One question: Is there a good way to 'refresh' the Navigation pane? Sometimes when I add a new grid it doesn't show up right away in 'Tree view'. (The only reliable method I've found is to close and reopen the database.)

Hi Lucas

Nav-bar F5-refresh and auto-update is of course on the list and will be implemented before v1.123.0 is released. For now, all lists should refresh if you collapse and expand the category. If it isn't the case, I'll fix it asap.


Hi IQ Users,

v1.123.0.Pre4 is now online:

  1. New: NavBar: Added context menus
  2. New: NavBar: Added support for drag-drop (items, grid hierarchy)
  3. New: NavBar: Added support for precision touchpads
  4. New: NavBar: Improved keyboard shortcuts (F5 for refresh, Ctrl+Left/Right/Space to expand/collapse)
  5. Fixed: Tab context menu: Close Other Tabs did not work for dashboard-type tabs


IQ Designer

Hi IQ Users,

v1.123.0.Pre6 is now online:

  1. New: Global Windows hotkey to show/hide the IQ window (default is Alt+Win+I)
  2. New: Options: Minimize instead of close
  3. Fixed: NavBar: In Pre4, using drag-drop to rearrange grids did not save changes


IQ Designer 

Hi IQ Users,

v1.123.0.Pre7 is now online:

  1. New: NavBar: Now includes Grid groups
  2. New: NavBar: Current view and current item are now highlighted
  3. New: NavBar: Enter key triggers default action (show event/item/grid, etc)
  4. New: Option to show/hide the asterisk on unloaded tabs
  5. Fixed: Grid: Drag-drop lists from the Doc pane: item order was reversed
  6. Fixed: Grid: Add Column dialog: Edit description: spaces were not accepted
  7. Fixed: Calendar: When focus in on another UI, all top row buttons require 2 clicks instead of 1


IQ Designer

Will the Nav pane end up supporting drag and drop so I could eventually do without my vertical tab bar? In that case it would be nice to allow a custom setting for vertical 'padding' around grid names, e. g. under Favorites or Groups.

Please add tooltips for the button at the top of the Nav pane.

Okay, two issues with Pre7:

1. Can't hide the NavBar anymore (or don't know how anymore) - it used to be an option on right-clicking the NavBar header.

2. NavBar is displayed on top of my vertical tab bar, the width of the tabs seems to have changed from what is set in Options, and they're now mostly hidden under the NavBar (see screenshot).

NavBar over TabBar


  1. It is not clear if it will be possible to close the NavBar. You can click on the pin to pin it to the side though
  2. I was not able to reproduce the issue
  3. (from previous post) The NavBar cannot eliminate the need for tabs, but can definitely reduce the number required! (as often, tabs are just placeholders of grids we might need, one day. Now favorites and groups can do that more efficiently)

I see the navigation bar as a huge step to an easier program that will attract more users and also a standardization to match how a lot of other software works. As such my personal strong recommendation is that it should be collapsible but never be able to be closed (along the lines you are obiosuly already thinking Pierre). Something akin to the attached image which is the sidebar in clickup when closed. This way users will not be confused by it being able to disappear and also will be encouraged to use it as their standard means of organizing IQ. My 2 cents.

Hi IQ Users!

v1.123.0.Pre9 is now online. Many NavBar improvements!:

  1. New: NavBar: Added Folders and Tags. Click to view items in Folder or with a given Tag
  2. New: Tags pane: When deleting a tag, if there is a parent tag, option to transfer item tags to the parent tag
  3. Change: Home Pages: numerous small changes. Added possibility to hide the default home page

We're getting close to releasing v1.123. Switching between Tree view and Flat view for grids, fields and tags is most likely the next steps


IQ Designer 

The new side bars great…long wanted feature….can we also get a save button on the global editor thus release? And a way to fix the width of tag/folder panes on global editor…? Have to resize it every time to see tags especislly…gets annoying

Actually the new item entry form, not the one that opens a pre saved note…that one doesn’t have a save button. Also it would be nice to have a field pane on it ( just like the tag and folder panes)


also I noticed I can’t save grid ordering. It does saves the nesting, but on f5 defaults the order alphabetically of something

Hi IQ Users!

v1.123.0 is now available to download. All users can (and should) install it as it provides many new features and bug fixes. Most notable:

  • NavBar: Left "navigation" pane: Provides quick access to your information
  • New: Surface: Drag-drop and copy/paste content now creates items. Use this to collect web clippings. Content source is saved in the URL field
  • New: Card view: Drag-drop and copy/paste content now creates items (i.e. cards). Use this to collect web clippings. Content source is saved in the URL field

Full details in the first post of this thread


IQ Designer

It seems the Navbar "fields" item that was in the Pre versions is not in the 123.0 version.  At least it's not in my NavBar.  Maybe it wasn't ready for the 123.0 release?

Indeed. In the next version, you'll be able to select what to show/hide in the NavBar. The fields section will be off by default. As the NavBar is to make IQ easier to grasp, adding fields there just complicates things. Grids and Tags provide enough flexibility


Is there a place to see iq roadmap? Sometimes on starting a project some features might be needed …and iq might release those feature at an overlapping date..otherwise may have to make do with another prog…roadmap would help with decision making 


There isn't a long term roadmap. Each version focuses on improving a few specific features and fixes reported bugs.

If you'd like something implemented, do not hesitate to ask. Of course, Patrons requests are prioritized, so if you haven't joined, now is the time to do so.

IQ Designer

That’s nice flexibility…I guess questions can always be asked…so what’s next on the menu? Hoping to start a few or fairly  projects soon…and iq is really flexible enough to handle most with a few tweaks ….so would really like to know ! Btw is there any plug-in ability with iq?

Hi IQ Users

v1.123.1Pre1 is now online:

  1. New: NavBar: Drag-drop an item to view
  2. New: NavBar: Support Ctrl+C to copy an item
  3. New: Live-Search: ?? command button can now show items with circular references
  4. Fixed: Grid: The ItemValues column did not updated when expanding an item
  5. Fixed: Grid: The ItemValues column showed field values even if Hide in Prop pane is checked
  6. Fixed: Item Editor: Fixed display issue when Windows is set to custom scaling
  7. Fixed: Date dialog: Improved display when Windows is set to custom scaling (hit: best is to use stock scaling, not custom scaling)


IQ Designer 

Hi IQ Users

v1.123.1Pre2 is now online. A couple of minor bug fixes (NavBar related) along with:

  • New: /Files command line parameter: enter a comma separated list of files to open
  • Fixed: Grid: If the source contains a Tag with : in the name, the grid didn't show any items


IQ Designer 

Hi IQ Users

v1.123.1Pre3 is now online. In this version:

  1. New: NavBar: Tags section now shows expand buttons when a tag has sub-tags (same as the Tags pane in flatview)
  2. New: NavBar and Tags pane: Tooltip now shows parent tag(s). Useful when in flat view
  3. New: Fields: Auto-assign rules that set a non-existing tag will create the tag (placed under the AutoGenerated entry)
  4. Fixed: Doc pane: When editing, sometimes the focus is lost and users must click in the pane to continue typing
  5. Fixed: Tags pane: if both the parent tag and the child tag are set, the parent tag is not shown correctly

Pre-release versions are exclusive to Donators and Patrons. Direct download links have been sent to eligeable users. Contact us if you haven't received your.
Financial support is essential to help us create the best information management tool!
Others can download the last released version, v1.123.0, here


IQ Designer

Hi IQ Users!

There was a serious issue that prevented creating grids and fields. All users should upgrade to the most recent version, v1.123.1:

  • Fixed: In v1.123.0, creating a grid or a field caused a crash

IQ Designer

Hi IQ Users

v1.123.2Pre2 is now online. In this version:

  1. New: Grid: Drag-drop: When dropping text content to the grid, a dialog is shown to select the action. Can be disabled. Press Ctrl to force display
  2. New: Event dialog: Mark as Done button now reflects the Done status of the item
  3. New: Event dialog: For events that do not have an associated item (from Goggle Calendar sync), option to create a matching item. Once created, values, tags and sub-items can be added
  4. New: After a database rebuild, a dialog is now shown to open (or not) the rebuilt file
  5. Fixed: Grid: Drag-drop "red" line was not always shown
  6. Fixed: NavBar: Changes to item favorites did not refresh the list
  7. Fixed: Calendar: For events that do not have an associated item, Ctrl+D did show the Delete dialog
  8. Fixed: Event dialog: Delete button did not show the Delete Event dialog

Pre-release versions are exclusive to Donators and Patrons. Direct download links have been sent to eligeable users. Contact us if you haven't received your.
Financial support is essential to help us create the best information management tool!
Others can download the last released version, v1.123.1, here


IQ Designer

Contribute to InfoQube Dev, for as little as $3.50 per month 🎁

I wondered what "dropping text content" means and how that works.  I selected several lines from a webpage and dropped it on the grid.  The dialog appeared.  "Parse and drop" created several new items, one for each line in the selected text.  If the text is indented, are the new items created in outline form?  I tried dragging and dropping some tab-indented text from a text editor (notepad++) - the red line appeared but nothing happened when I dropped the text.  If I drop a text file, I get the Add File dialog - I guess this new method applies only to text dragged from another app, and not to a text file.  

Hi Jim,

There is still some work to be done to complete this feature, but, you have 3 options:

  1. Drop all text in a single item text (filtered for non valid character and formatting)
  2. Parse the text and create items based on the text
  3. Drop all the text in the Doc pane (as is, not filtered). Item text is the first 50 characters (filtered)

1 and 3 work quite well already. Option 2 was the only behaviour before (perhaps you didn't use it before). It works well if the text is a flat list of bullet points. Otherwise, it doesn't. So, currently, headings and paragraphs are ignored, and indented lists get flattened out. Idealy, the whole content will be translated into an outline (as per this thread: Microsoft Word Outline to OPML to Infoqube)

The main reason for this new feature is to allow the grid to behave the same as Card views and Surface views (which always do option 3)


IQ Designer

Hi IQ Users

The NavBar is certainly quite a popular feature. It isn't fully implemented and more work will be done in future versions. But we're closing v1.123 with v1.123.2 which includes these changes (w.r.t. v1.123.1):

  1. New: Grid: Drag-drop: When dropping text content to the grid, a dialog is shown to select the action. Can be disabled. Press Ctrl to force display
  2. New: Event dialog: For events that do not have an associated item (from Goggle Calendar sync), option to create a matching item. Once created, values, tags and sub-items can be added
  3. New: Event dialog: Mark as Done button now reflects the Done status of the item
  4. New: After a database rebuild, a dialog is now shown to open (or not) the rebuilt file
  5. Fixed: Grid: Drag-drop "red" line was not always shown
  6. Fixed: Calendar: For events that do not have an associated item, Ctrl+D did show the Delete dialog
  7. Fixed: NavBar: Changes to item favorites did not refresh the list
  8. Fixed: Event dialog: Delete button did not show the Delete Event dialog
  9. Fixed: Doc pane: Adding / removing spaces could prevent incorrect word wrap

What's up for the next version, v1.124? What is super trendy apart from NavBars?

Dark mode... yes, v1.124 will focus on themes and in particular implementing a decent Dark theme 😯👌, in time for Christmas🎁


IQ Designer

Christmas is coming soon, why not feel generous and Contribute to InfoQube Dev, for as little as $3.50 per month 🎁

Small suggestion… a dedicated panel that’s auto links to the items .files folder…already possible because doc pane can be linked to a folder (lovely) .. but this way it’s even more handy ( btw doc pane that’s locked-to-item doesn’t keep that lock on reopening the file) .. another quickie that would be handy to be able to drag drop file/url/folder paths to the form in properties pane vs copy paste! 

Hi iqhlp,

Goods points. Noted.

W.r.t. folder view in the Doc pane, did you know that you can open the item in an Item Editor and it will show that folder? It will also re-open when you re-start IQ


IQ Designer

I didn’t know that! Brilliant!!! I can already see it being of use! My 1 humble cent but I ui is the area that I think iq needs least improvement/adding … it’s so brilliant already. Tabs panes dashboards pop outs pouout forms and now a nab bar! Multi html editors and Linking to folders from right inside… the ui s one of its features that make me want to make iq a bigger part of my system…really good job on it! AND it’s so easy and quick to set it up too…
