Dark Mode is progressing

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2023/12/20 22:11

Hi IQ Users!

IQ Dark Mode is progressing well. A pre-release version should be available in a few days, just in time for Christmas :


Comments anyone?

IQ Designer


Dark mode would be nice Pierre 👍🏼

Grid here is grey-black (let's call it charcoal), doc pane is black. Is this intentional?

White text on very black background is also very hard on the eyes fwiw. I notice the apps I use in dark mode on android have charcoal background -- and it's hard to say but the white text is not too white -- not brilliant white.

Hi Tom,

Indeed. this will be adjusted. Thanks for your comments. Taking the average of 3 common apps (EN, Obsidian and Notion), I get 31 for the background and 225 for the text color.

Colors have been improved. Users will be able to select both text and background colors

IQ has many views and dialogs. Obviously, converting each and everyone to support the new Dark mode will take some time. Expect improvements with each release.

IQ Designer

Looking good so far. I'm looking forward to seeing it in person. I'm quite happy with the default colour scheme, and this could be a nice variant for evening use.
