I'm doing a little test of the VB editor, and see that the functions tend to refer to field values of the item currently active. I do see some aggregation items like 'Sum' etc.
--> Is it possible to iterate through the items in a grid or indeed iterate through all items? (eg foreach loop)
--> How to refer to items by ID? For example, if I wanted to obtain an item's text and its parent's text I might want to do something like (pseudocode):
get thisitem(ID)
msgbox (this item's text)
for each parent of this item get it's ID number
msgbox (parent's item text)
next parent
None of this is very core to a particular task I need to do presently- but these are common things I believe you'd need to do to manipulate your items beyond 'field to field' triggers.
I have added functions to the User Code section of the VB Editor. These are not recognised when referred to in the 'Execute a function' immediate-execution box or in row equations.
Thus date(), a built-in VBA function, works; but
Function before(look_for, search_in, first_or_last)
'This function returns the part of the searched_in string before an occurrence of a looked_for string.
'By default, this is the first occurrence of the string; an optional parameter can be set to indicate that
'the last occurrence is sought - the default is to take the first occurrence.
does not work.