Submitted by markfoley on 2009/06/17 02:02
When a parent item is marked 'done' (ie date put in done date field) I suggest you be prompted on whether you want to mark all children as done also.


I think it's an excellent idea.
But instead of having it for th done field only, it could be an option for all fields in the field management window.
The option would be a check box that would say something like "Prompt to propagate data modification to children."


2009/06/17 19:24

In reply to by Armando

Yep, that would be a great idea Armando and cover it perfectly.  Actually, the option would say "Propagate data modification to children" with another checkbox saying "Prompt before propagating" or whatever.  Some people might want it to do that by default, it's a similar type of function to the inheritance but different in purpose.


2009/06/17 19:58

In reply to by markfoley

How about something simple like: Click here if you also want to modify all the sub items (or children)?
Most people don't talk like "propagate data modification to children" 
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/06/17 23:05

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Agree re: wording Jan.  But it should be setup as field options as per Armando's suggestion (along with the prompt option), that makes much more sense as it is sensible for some fields and would be a pain in the butt for others!


2009/06/18 08:38

In reply to by markfoley

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1