Firstly, I can't BELIEVE how much trying to find simple information about this program is SOOOO hard that I have built up enough tension to explode.
WHERE is the FAQ? A forum search is simply not good enough.
Why can't I start a new, BLANK file?
I expected that I would be able to create an outline that was a little more sophisticated than what WordPerfect can do without having to learn EVERYTHING that the program can do. Doesn't seem that way!
Before I go buy WhizFolders I will post this here. If I can't get some reasonable answers then I will toss it, buy WhizFolders and then tell everyone else I know who wants an outliner to use that.
How does one create a new, blank file?
Secondly, can one not just press a combination of >Enter< and some other key to get a sibling or child subtopic??? Why when writing an outline should one have to take their hands off the keyboard?
It SEEMS that this program is created by someone who is simply a control freak and wants people not to learn by trial and error.
Am I wrong?
Christopher Grove