Submitted by Armando on 2009/09/04 18:40
I have AM:ChildrenNotNull=1 in  my nbchildren field and nothing happens to the Yes/No ChildrenNotNull field.
I don't understand why...
[edit : ChildrenNotNull is a custom field...]


Calculated fields, such as nbChildren do not respond to auto-assigment rules and equations are not supported. That section of the field properties will be disabled.


2009/09/04 21:32

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Ah, ok I see. Thanks.
Is there a workaround to include a nbChildren like value/field in a Vb script ? (I'm trying to change the color of an item depending on the number of children.)


2009/09/04 23:12

In reply to by Armando

There is no easy way to do this.
You could set the ItemColor equation to a user function, with NbChildren as a parameter. If you set field properties Auto-update to check, it would update at midnight. Note however, that this will drastically slow down the auto-update process, as the equation will be re-evaluated for every item in the database. Alternatively, un-check Auto-update and update it yourself (right-click on the ItemColor field in a grid and select re-calculate or Shift-F9)


2009/09/05 15:33

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks. That's what I did the other day but abandoned the idea because it wasn't efficient enough (and thought that using the other strategy might work better but it did not..).. It wasn't that bad though because it was part of the color function and the itemColor equation which is set on auto update anyways -- the only field to be set on auto update IIRC in my DB.