Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/09/23 13:08
v924g 09/23/09 build
To reproduce:
select a list of siblings w <SHFT><arrows>
context menu, copy
<F12> to open HTML pane ( if not open)
context menu, paste

Result: items are inverted from the order in the grid
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


I guess you're just copying one or a few field (ie : not full items, using XML) ?
In any case, IQ normally copies and pastes in the order of selection. So it's not a bug.
If you want your selection to be pasted from top to bottom, that's how you need to make your selection.... It has some advantages and disadvantages I guess. Personally I like it, even if it's a bit unusual... It allows to predetermine in which order items will be pasted.
Pierre : maybe it could be an option -- "Paste respects the order of selection" : YES/NO
What do others think ?


2009/09/23 16:04

In reply to by Armando

This is similar to the way that exporting items to Webpage show the items in order of selection
I found that very confusing initially but grew to like it (havent used that feature in a while now though)
I think as an option in this case would be helpful


2009/09/23 16:23

In reply to by Armando

I think it's weird but an option is better than the way it is.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2