Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/10/05 16:26
w 3 panes open: outline, html, properties (form pane nested)
focus on outline
click <F11> outline pane zooms full screen
focus on html pane
click <F11> html pane gets detatched
focus on properties pane (w nested form pane)
click <F11>  properties pane disappears, i.e. form pane zooms
focus on forms pane (nested within properties pane)
click <F11> form pane zooms, eliminating properties
I think <F11> should toggle & be limited to the following:
zoom outline full screen, i.e. eliminating any other panes in IQ desktop configuration / restore original configuration
zoom calendar  (same as above)
zoom html pane (same as above)
bounced 10/08/09


Zoom (or F11) basically has 2 effects, depending on the window that has the focus:
  1. If in the HTML pane, it un-docks the pane. Adjust the size to your liking. I have it near full window size. F11 toggles it back to its normal docked size.
  2. Otherwise, it closes all panes to maximize the tabbed workspace


2009/10/09 09:26

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

It works pretty well.
2-3 things :
1- When undocked (using the zoom), the HTML here looses focus. So I have to bring back focus with f12. I believe it should keep the focus to be useful.
2- Why not integrating the properties pane in this zoom thing (undock it)? As Jan says, properties pane will disappear, if the focus is on it, which contradicts the mecanism at work in the HTML and grid cases, and makes the whole concept seem confusing and inconsistent. IMO, the mecanism should be the same with all panes to be coherent.


2009/10/09 10:37

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Zoom (or F11) basically has 2 effects, depending on the window that has the focus: [/snip][/quote]
I think this is the nub of the problem
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/10/09 15:11

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Zoom (or F11) basically has 2 effects, depending on the window that has the focus:
  1. If in the HTML pane, it un-docks the pane. Adjust the size to your liking. I have it near full window size. F11 toggles it back to its normal docked size.
  2. Otherwise, it closes all panes to maximize the tabbed workspace
I havent used either of these - I've been trying them out today, so a few comments:
I love #2 (as it toggles rather than closes panes)
I can work in the grid, use F11 to reduce the visible grid to a column width & almost fill the screen with HTML & properties panes. It's lovely.
Until I use F11 when in the html pane - I find it disrupts the workflow of #2.
If I'm in the html pane I have to press a key to get me back to the grid and then press F11 to minimise the html etc.panes - it's not that that's difficult to do but that it's difficult to remember. Guess I'd get used to it but it's not intuitive I find.
Seems to me they could be better off with two different shortcuts
I can see myself using the html pane much more now being able to toggle it's 'dockedness'
EDIT/ I seem to be getting the swing of it:
F11 to show panes.
If I go to the html pane; F11 undocks it, F11 again redocks it (no focus anywhere though);
F11 again hides panes
I dont have that problem Armando of losing focus when I use F11 to undock html pane - it's only when I redock it that I dont have focus anywhere - it would be logical to have the focus back in the grid I reckon (?)