Submitted by Armando on 2009/10/19 00:17
I found that all fields involved in the condition need to be in the grid for the condition to work. I've been going nuts for hours trying to figure out this simple thing.
Is this by design or is this a bug ? If it's by design (not sure if it's a good idea though), I'll add it in the "manual".
Also : it is written in the manual that the conditional formatting section (of the field management dialog) is case sensitive -- at least for field names... Could that be changed ? I think it's a recipe  for great confusion as nothing else is case sensitive in IQ -- from what I've seen.


I think this was acknowledged a long time ago. Unfortunately Pierre said that it was a contraint of the grid provider, and that he would enquire with the if could be resolved. It also has the other (documented) contraint that it only works with numeric or boolean columns, which means have to generate new calculated columns if want logic on text values.
I use this feature a lot, and also have the additional bug that when you use conditional formats to set the background colour of cells, it appears to lose the visibility of the foreground text i.e. cell content when the mouse hovers over, and remains lost until you do a requery on the grid. End result is that my conditionally formatted columns end up with blank contents most of the time.


2009/10/19 01:05

In reply to by lucky_phil

Thanks lucky_phil.
like you said...  I think I vaguely remember it was aknowleged, but couldn't find it in Mantis. The only thing I found was a bug I entered myself, related to the position of the field/column -- and that was fixed.
>It also has the other (documented) contraint that it only works with numeric or boolean columns, which means have to generate new calculated columns if want logic on text values.
Yes, exactly. That's what I do. This means many adde functions in the use code. It's ok with me but probably not optimal in terms of performance, and a bit convoluted for "non coders".
>when you use conditional formats to set the background colour of cells, it appears to lose the visibility of the foreground text [...]
Yes. This is a very annoying problem... At some point I seemed that "View>tooltips>off" had an (positive) effect, but not anymore.
When I want to see the foreground text, I use "Select Full item" and that does it. They all become visible. Try it, it's an ok workaround.


2009/10/19 01:12

In reply to by Armando

(lucky_phil : Oh, and horizontal scrolling also helps. The position of the horizontal scroll bar column can solves the conditional format display problem)