I don't know what causes the CPU going to 100%. It happens periodically. I might be related to auto backup... But really not sure.
In any case, I need to shut down IQ and there's this error that appears :
I get this from time to time. My guess is that it is related to a large database I have. If I have been very busy within IQ and have many (>8) grids open, some with gantt charts, all with several colums, forms displayed, etc. You get the picture. Under these circumstances, I sometimes experience what you describe, although I don't know if it is the exact runtime message.
My situation is similar to yours : several opened grids, gantt charts, etc. Sometimes even 2 IQ processes (windows).
Still... this is weird and somewhat recent -- never experienced that before beta G8. Maybe is it related to gantt charts as I've never really been using them much before, but now use them everyday to track 2 different relatively large projects.
Maybe Pierre would be able to know what that runtime number corresponds to... well, that's my hope... ;)