Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/10/25 14:11
Today I was clipping a bunch of articles for research for an article I'm writing.
I selected the data from each article & used context menu command "infoqube copy content"
I did not save each article separately,  electing instead to gather them all in one place
IQ separated each article  correctly but
I noticed that -- for example -- there was no spacing between paragraphs so
before saving I separated the paragraphs w a <return>
Then I saved & looked at the item within IQ.
There I saw double spacing between paragraphs so
As a test I went back & clipped the same articles in the same way.
This time I did not insert a line between paragraphs even tho the paragraphs ran together
I saved the item & looked @ this item within IQ
The spacing between paragraphs was no correct w/o my intervention.
There is something going on between clipping and saving


[quote=jan_rifkinson][...] The spacing between paragraphs was no correct w/o my intervention. [...][/quote]
I presume that's a 'not' ?
But you dont tell us what exactly did happen when you didnt intervene - could you clarify?


2009/10/27 11:08

In reply to by Tom

Sorry, Tom.  Grrr. That should have read
As a test I went back & clipped the same articles in the same way.
This time I did not insert a line between paragraphs even tho the paragraphs ran together
I saved the item & looked @ this item within IQ
The spacing between paragraphs was correct w/o my intervention.[/quote]
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2