Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/11/07 08:10
I think another thread on this subject @ demonstrates how nuanced -- and therefore -- how complex,  i.e. talented, IQ can be by offering so many different ways of handling data. So I think it also behooves us to figure out how to be extremely clear about what different functions do in as many ways as possible which leads me to the following suggestion:
The possibility  to:
paste as item = paste text in default color
paste as non-item = paste text in a different color so it is immediately apparent
Thoughts, comments, discussion?
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


paste as item = paste text in default color
paste as non-item = paste text in a different color so it is immediately apparent
by "As  non-item" you mean that the item is not "created" per se but only linked to a new parent ?
So... Any item with multiple parents would be of a different color (let's say... green), except for the one under "its" main parent ?
hmmm... How would that help if, for instance, an item is just  copied and pasted (grid source + filters match item's fields) in a grid... Or if items happen to show up in different grids... Does that mean that only items showing in one grid only would be black, and all others ... green ?
This is only one example, but I can think of at least two others. Since an item showing in several places is always the same item (if it has the same ID), there's no easy way to do this...
The easiest way is to have the nbparents field in the grid (and that could have its color changing depending on the # of parents) OR to look in the properties pane at the parents, etc.


2009/11/07 15:11

In reply to by Armando

The easiest way is to have the nbparents field in the grid (and that could have its color changing depending on the # of parents) OR to look in the properties pane at the parents, etc.
This would do the trick except I don't think the colors need to change depending on the # of parents. IMO it's just enough to know it's linked rather than a new item. Updating one of those 'colored' items would update all of them.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/11/08 00:28

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

This would do the trick except I don't think the colors need to change depending on the # of parents. IMO it's just enough to know it's linked rather than a new item. Updating one of those 'colored' items would update all of them.
Well, if you have the nbparents field's conditional format set to
criteria          Formats           
>1                   BackColor=&H06F9FF
It would at least make it obvious when you have more then one parent associated with an item (--> yellow color).