Submitted by Jon on 2009/11/09 09:37
IQ H5 running on Vista. IQ is set up so that enter creates a new item.
1. Create a new TLI using enter.
2. Insert date using CTRL D.
3. Press enter to create a new TLI.
See? The item is blank. This should remain populated with the date. At least I think so.
EDIT: The date disappears when you move out of the item no matter what method is used (arrow keys, mouse click on another item). The only way to get it saved is to add a character.


I can confirm that on my machine as well
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2

Confirmed and fixed (in the next release)
2 alternatives at the moment:
  1. Make sure you're not editing when pressing Ctrl+D
  2. Press any key after Ctrl-D (e.g. Space)


2009/11/09 11:44

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thank you Pierre. 


2009/11/09 16:55

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I've had problems with entire hierarchies going blank (data was there but didn't show)...
This seemed linked to the grid component. However, quite a dangerous bug... Easy to think something isn't there and replace it with something else.
I'll tell you if I can reproduce it.
Anybody else has seen this before ?


2009/11/09 17:51

In reply to by Armando

yes but very rarely. switched away to another grid & returned to see data. I used to think this along w other non-refresh problems were a problem w my display card until I discovered IQ was quirky this way
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2