A few days ago, after executing Item/Select Item to select-hilight an entire row in an attempt to copy/paste that entire row from Address Book back into Address Book as a similar data row entry, some sort of selection default was altered such that now, when working within any grid and clicking on any cell within any row, the entire row is automatically selected-hilighted insted of just the cell. Before the aforementioned copy/paste attempt only just the clicked-upon cell would initially be selected-hilighted, but now it's the entire row by default. A ground-level result of this change is that I can no longer select a single cell and use keyboard Ctrl+c / Ctrl+V to do a simple simple copy / paste from one cell to another because the more complicated "What do you want to copy?" Menu gets activated instead. How do I return to the former state where clicking on a cell selected-hilighted only the cell and entire row selection was accomplished only by means of Item/Select item instead of it now being the default selection state??? Using Version 0.9.24H5.
thank you
Doug Bartlett
Normally the the option is Grid >> Select mode >> Multi-Columns.
If that doesn't solve the problem -- I can't remember if that was a bug from v. H5 -- I suggest you either try the newest pre-release, or wait for the next one. Hopefully the next release will be pretty stable.