So you'd like to have lots of new IQ users?
Seems so. At least you are very busy writing FAQ's, Tutoríals etc.
You're so busy you don't even notice that there's a new user right here in front of your nose? A new user desperately trying to get IQ to run? A new user who asked for help because of this? A new user who was told to wait for release 9.25 - without even mentioning anywhere when that's supposed to happen? The problem " could be related to Win 2000 and/or to a locale issue" - that was it.
(Quote:) "If ... I can't make substantial progress up the learning curve in the next day or two, I'll probably put IQ on the back burner for 6 months." So will I - albeit for more than 6 months.
So long guys. It's been nice to meet you.
Sure you are interested in new users?
Seems so. At least you are very busy writing FAQ's, Tutoríals etc.
You're so busy you don't even notice that there's a new user right here in front of your nose? A new user desperately trying to get IQ to run? A new user who asked for help because of this? A new user who was told to wait for release 9.25 - without even mentioning anywhere when that's supposed to happen? The problem " could be related to Win 2000 and/or to a locale issue" - that was it.
(Quote:) "If ... I can't make substantial progress up the learning curve in the next day or two, I'll probably put IQ on the back burner for 6 months." So will I - albeit for more than 6 months.
So long guys. It's been nice to meet you.
Sure you are interested in new users?
Each has encountered legitimate problems getting started with the program. Each has asked for help. And eventually each has cited a limited amount of time they have to spend on their InfoQube problems.
Fair enough. We all have limited schedules.
But after a short period of time each seemed dissatisfied with the free help they were getting on a free program from volunteers and that seemed to prompt the same reaction from each of them.
In shorthand, each stated if their particular issues wasn't resolved quickly, they would move on, putting IQ aside.
And that's when I started to wonder Who was going to lose under those circumstances: the developer who has made the program available for free while in beta or the user who was looking for a piece of software to make their life easier.
The question I ponder is how a new user can determine if IQ will satisfy their needs without being able to use the program, i.e. dumping it after a relatively few hours of effort?
Naturally all this is balanced against life's priorities; the developer, the user and the community. And there we are all different as we all lead different lives.
Moving on isn't the issue; that's a choice open to everyone at any time.
It's the threat to move on that is empty. One should definitely move on if IQ is of no use to them but to threaten to move on as though that's some kind of impetus for more attention I think, ultimately, falls of deaf ears.