Submitted by Tom on 2008/12/12 16:27
[not really a bug? more like unexpected behaviour]
using Ctrl+G / Column Filter on the Item Field column
I'm searching for a song called something like Green Fields of Canada (!)
so I type Green
but it isnt found - turns out the name is "The Green Fields of Canada"  - so, it looks like it filters on the first word in the field
This has most probably been mentioned before but couldnt find it on this site or mantis so thought I'd post
Will it be possible, or, should it be possible to filter on a word in the middle of - is "a string" the correct term? 
e.g. "Green" in the above example


In manage field > General > Auto-search: select "contains"


2008/12/12 18:31

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

In manage field > General > Auto-search: select "contains"
thanks Pierre!
I thought it was too obvious to have been missed out on
can you tell me why that isnt default behaviour?
whats the difference between default and "starts with" ?


2008/12/12 18:43

In reply to by Tom

default is set in Tools>options and allows you to change it for all fields at once. Otherwise, it is a field by field setting


2008/12/12 18:59

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

default is set in Tools>options and allows you to change it for all fields at once. Otherwise, it is a field by field setting
thanks again
still wondering though - wouldnt the "Contains" setting be a better (programme) default selection ?


2008/12/13 00:09

In reply to by Tom

I might be missing something ...??
how  does this option (tool->options->Modes--> Default auto-search...)  modify the ctrl-g (grid filter) behavior. It changes ctrl-F3 (auto-search) behavior here, but nothing else...


2008/12/15 21:29

In reply to by Armando

I can confirm that the tool->options->Modes--> Default auto-search does determine the CTRL-G (Filter-as-you-type) behaviour for fields where the Auto-Search is set to (default). This is by design. The same setting is used as column search and filter are very similar.
This means that unless you explicitely set it for a given field, the behaviour for all fields can be changed using the Tools > Options setting


2008/12/15 22:20

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Ok, I see... It was the "filter as you type" option. (I don't use it as it uses too much CPU.)