Submitted by Armando on 2010/01/28 21:28
Browsing away from some HTML content in the HTML pane erases the previous content ?
...Seems like it.
This doesn't happen with MHT content.
1- Select an item with some HTML content where there are some web links
2- Go into browse mode
3- Click on a link -- this will bring you to the web page.
5- Now it's impossible to go back to the original content :
a- URL toolbar arrows will bring you back to other pages, other items, etc. but never to the actual original content
b- Impossible to go out of browse mode : the button its stuck -- at least here. Once I was able to click on it, but it came back to browse mode a sec after.
This seems serious : potential loss of data.
Anybody can confirm that ?


After some experimentation, it happens all the time (except with MHT content, like I said)
Mantis issue : 865


2010/01/29 00:13

In reply to by Armando

Yes, this IS serious.    I'll fix first thing tomorrow morning 


2010/01/30 15:20

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Yes it is. Your comment is quite wise. Will do !