Version 0.9.25PreRel15 is now released !

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2010/01/27 19:14


Hello Pierre and thanks for:
1) With Pre-Rel 14: Once again proving Hofstadter's Law (Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.)
2) With Pre-Rel 15: Proving the Law of Buses: you wait ages, then two (three?) come along all at once.
3) I think there's still an issue with pane synchronisation, here after doing a quick search, option to show results in search grid: the selected item is 2325, but the properties displayed are of the last added item, which is 22539
Sorry - I haven't found a way to reduce the size of the image, which is way too wide...
Bon courage !
Mark Gregory, Rennes, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6

Not sure if this is PReRe115, but:
1. When I open hyperlink dialogue box, and choose a certain folder, it won't stay after closing IQ.
2. Hyperlinks to Outlook contacts don't seem to work.
3. After search, in the shown results, especially in Hoisted "mode" (but also when shown in search grid), hyperlinks don't (at least not always) work. I need to refresh, or sometimes close and reopen the file, or sometimes if I make one "mode" for a particular hyperlink work, the other "mode" works too. Hope it's clear
Take care,


2010/01/28 18:25

In reply to by jsolka

Not sure if this is PReRe115, but:
1. When I open hyperlink dialogue box, and choose a certain folder, it won't stay after closing IQ.
2. Hyperlinks to Outlook contacts don't seem to work.
3. After search, in the shown results, especially in Hoisted "mode" (but also when shown in search grid), hyperlinks don't (at least not always) work. I need to refresh, or sometimes close and reopen the file, or sometimes if I make one "mode" for a particular hyperlink work, the other "mode" works too. Hope it's clear
Take care,
I can confirm all of these.


2010/01/28 18:38

In reply to by Armando

Mantis issues :
hyperlink dialogue box : folder selection won't stay after closing IQ : 862
Hyperlinks to Outlook (contacts, etc.) don't seem to work : 863
HyperLinks from items displayed in a grid (hoisted or in search grid) after a quick search : don't work  : 864


2010/01/31 14:32

In reply to by jsolka

Hello Pierre.
The problem I reported at the head of this thread (which I believe appeared in pre-rel 15) remains in PreRel 16 and is more serious than I had first appreciated.
In my main IQBase - which is probably unusually large, since it is an import of about ten years' old Ecco data - it no longer seems to matter which item I select - the properties pane sometimes gets stuck on an item shown much earlier (perhaps the one showing when IQ was last closed down, but not necessarily so!). The behaviour is difficult to tie down - sometimes the properties pane syncs with the items, sometimes not... Furthermore, refresh causes lots of activity but - still - no visible synchronisation.
This is a 43Mb file, so impossible to send by email. I'm not sure what to do next! I use SugarSync, which is a commercial equivalent to DropBox and has the merit of being managed and (as we francophones say) "fiable". I'm happy to give you a SugarSync access if you can't think of another way to investigate what's going on?
Mark Gregory, Rennes, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6


2010/01/31 15:43

In reply to by gregory

Hi Mark,

I noticed some weird things in the properties pane too : like some fields not updating and all fields being greyed out from time to time -- although nothing like what you describe... Yet. I've been testing stuff extensively yesterday (some of my own scripts).
[Edited : saw you were using v16]


2010/01/31 23:56

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Thanks for your comment, Jan.
Curiouser and curiouser. I find that my problem goes away after - well - a good while... While it persists, I have screen jitter and the intermittent appearance of a busy / egg-timer cursor. So probably my issues are specific to my (perhaps silly) IQbase with equations on the Item field? Where I can navigate between views, but maybe the synchronisation isn't keeping up?
Comments very welcome.
Mark Gregory, Rennes, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6


2010/02/01 22:59

In reply to by gregory

Thanks for your comment, Jan.
Curiouser and curiouser. I find that my problem goes away after - well - a good while... While it persists, I have screen jitter and the intermittent appearance of a busy / egg-timer cursor. So probably my issues are specific to my (perhaps silly) IQbase with equations on the Item field? Where I can navigate between views, but maybe the synchronisation isn't keeping up?
Comments very welcome.
Mark Gregory, Rennes, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6
Hi Mark. Well, it could be. It is very possible to set auto-assign equations in ways that will create loops and/or cascading effects. I've seen that with the gantt chart especially.
P.-S. :
Pierre : it would be nice if you could post how exactly auto-assignment rules are executed : in what order of priority, etc. It might seem obvious, but sometimes it's not.
e.g. :
1- it seems that the order of the auto-assignment rules have an effect -- i.e. They are executed in the order they appear and so this can have an influence on the "result". But this is not necessarily an evidence. And maybe is my assumption wrong.
2- Sometimes, even if the value in afield is not really modified (i.e.  a VB script replaces the field value by itself) and has the auto-assignment "M:" switch, it will trigger its auto assignment equations.
But maybe I could open another thread for that matter.
Created new thread for that.


2010/02/02 17:30

In reply to by gregory

Hi Mark,
If you've got something fairly reproducible, and are willing to share the file, please send me (privately) the link to that file. I'll be able to spot the issue rapidly