Submitted by KenG on 2010/02/13 10:01
If someone has the time and inclination, would they be so kind as to confirm that an e-mail link in the grid works for them when using Outlook 2007 SP2? 
I have two different systems, one using Outlook 2003 and one using Outlook 2007.  Links to Outlook 2003 e-mail messages in the grid work, but, on the other machine, links to Outlook 2007 e-mails do not work (they simply open up the item for editing). 

The only difference I see in the anchor is that the GUID of the Outlook 2007 e-mail is longer.
I have tried it with Outlook 2007 with a clean portable install and a clean database with the same results (no linking, just opened for editing).  I have tried it with 0.9.25PreRel13 and PreRel18 with the same results.
I tried searching the forums, but I couldn't find anything recent on this topic.
The answer to this question  would help me determine if this is just a machine setup issue.
Thank you for your time.


As you might have seen, I've had "IQ to Outlookp links problems recently. But your problem (and Outlook version) seems a bit different.
From what you explained, I guess you created new links in a brand new DB, right ? If that's the case and it still doesn't work, I can't really help you.
Good luck.


2010/02/13 17:28

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thank you Pierre. 
I had found similar information online, and I was just coming back to the forum to report what I found.
After apply a registry change, similar to what is in the article you mention, the links now work with Outlook 2007.
Best regards...