Submitted by Armando on 2010/03/12 12:42
This is somewhat the contrary of what I've described in another thread (Item bullet suggests that the item has children but.... has no children (according to properties pane etc.)). It's probably related.
It doesn't happen too often but it's very problematic when it does as the bullets are really the main way to see if items have children or not.
Show all items doesn't even work in these cases...
Could these problems be linked to :
1- changing the double click to Alt click to show all items ?
2- the full hierarchy fixes ?


Could be...
Is this reproducible? If not, can you give the various display settings (context, hierarchy, etc)?


2010/03/12 21:35

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Could be...
Is this reproducible? If not, can you give the various display settings (context, hierarchy, etc)?
I'm not sure of what does it -- I didn't have enough time to find the "why".
But I did saved 2 diff copies of my DB so that we can simply look at these when you have the time.