Submitted by Anonymous on 2008/12/26 05:30
Hi, I think that the possibility to have two or more HTML Editor windows opened at the same time, for different items, would be great when doing heavy editing.
It would surely save a lot of time, avoiding to manually switch from one item to another.
Apart from this I think that IQ is excellent, the only other thing that I'm currently missing are tags.
The calendar is already very functional and I'm sure it will be even more so in the definitive implementation.
Keep up the good work!


re HTML pane: Your suggestions are planned.
  1. Currently you can open multiple IQ instances to view HTML pane content of 2 or more items.
  2. Also, if you want, you can use an external editor (MSWord, BlockNote), which enable you to edit more than one item at once
  3. It is planned that the HTML pane could also be docked to the grid, so that it would show on some grids but not others. So 1 or more global ones, and possibility of 1 per grid.

Hi, I think that the possibility to have two or more HTML Editor windows opened at the same time, for different items, would be great when doing heavy editing.
It would surely save a lot of time, avoiding to manually switch from one item to another.
I had the idea of two html panes when in "dual-pane" mode -when two tab groups open- one for each visible tab
Dont think I suggested it before (thought I might be asking the impossible!)
btw belated happy christmas to all, and not belated happy new year and holidays