Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/04/02 15:31


Hi Jan,
I don't think I'm having any problems.
What problem are you running into and what type of sorting are you trying to achieve ?


2010/04/02 19:38

In reply to by Armando

Hi Armando.
Specifically sub-items beginning w date
For example, under contacts, I enter date/time stamped sub-items to keep track of any 'traffic' I've had w contact.
Adding a new sub-item adds to the bottom.
Sometimes it's easier to keep most recent at top of sub-items so I don't have to scroll to see my last interaction w the contact. 
So selecting item & using sort sub-items is what I used for the chore & was surprised by the result.
I also tried hoist & found that a little weird also; i,e. one time it didn't sort the selected TLI
It could have been one of those situations that requires close / re-open IQ but I wonder why these kinds of things seem to occur -- not often but often enough. if I didn't know IQ better, I'd be nervous but I know my data is most likely safe so I don't worry & chalk it up to computer hiccup.
i will try to reproduce over the wknd & if I can, I will report back.
pre 21
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2010/04/03 01:41

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Works fine here.
Make sure that you click on the parent item and on the column that you want sorted on (IQ cannot yet read your mind and guess on which field you want the sort to be performed...)


2010/04/03 11:17

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

sort = TLI
tried click parent & sort subitems
Tried hoist & sort subitems
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2
Hi Jan,
Sometimes I have a hard time understanding your telegraphic prose.
Do you mean that your TLIs are already sorted (using the sort text box?), and then you're trying to sort subs using the item context menu (right click --> sort sub items) ?
OR are you trying to sort TLIs ? If so, you need to right click on the column header and then click on "sort sub items".
P.-S.  Pierre : I always found that the "sort sub items" option when clicking on the column header is a bit misleading as it actually sorts TLIs.


2010/04/03 14:22

In reply to by Armando

sort = TLI
tried click parent & sort subitems
Tried hoist & sort subitems
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2
Hi Jan,
Sometimes I have a hard time understanding your telegraphic prose.[/quote]
I can understand that but usually (as in this case, too) I am more descriptive, i.e. More detailed when I describe the problem initially.
Then someone comes along and asks me a question,
Then I try to be brief
Sorry to be unclear about my problem.
[quote] Do you mean that your TLIs are already sorted (using the sort text box?), and then you're trying to sort subs using the item context menu (right click --> sort sub items) ?[/quote]
Yes & yes
To amplify: my TLIs are already sorted by the sort box. Then I tried to sort subs using the item context menu (right click -> sort sub items)
[quote] P.-S.  Pierre : I always found that the "sort sub items" option when clicking on the column header is a bit misleading as it actually sorts TLIs.[/quote]
If right click context menu 'sort sub items' option actually means sort TLIs then FOR SURE this is very misleading & I am more TOTALLY confused than normal.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2010/04/03 14:38

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

[quote] P.-S.  Pierre : I always found that the "sort sub items" option when clicking on the column header is a bit misleading as it actually sorts TLIs.[/quote]
If right click context menu 'sort sub items' option actually means sort TLIs then FOR SURE this is very misleading & I am more TOTALLY confused than normal.
I think you may have misread Armando there - he's referring to the column headers' context menu (which is a bit wonkey as he says!)
btw, right-click Parent Item & 'Sort sub-items Ascending' etc., is working here (but I dont use it that often)


2010/04/03 15:22

In reply to by Tom

[quote=Tom]I think you may have misread Armando there - he's referring to the
column headers'
context menu (which is a bit wonkey as he says!)
 btw, right-click Parent Item & 'Sort sub-items Ascending' etc., is working here (but I dont use it that often)[/quote]
You are right, Tom. Thanks for clarifying.  
Did you try click TLI, sort sub-items when sub-items begin with date / time stamp?
Just curious.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2010/04/03 16:10

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

[quote=Tom]I think you may have misread Armando there - he's referring to the
column headers'
context menu (which is a bit wonkey as he says!)
 btw, right-click Parent Item & 'Sort sub-items Ascending' etc., is working here (but I dont use it that often)[/quote]
You are right, Tom. Thanks for clarifying.  
Did you try click TLI, sort sub-items when sub-items begin with date / time stamp?
Just curious.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2
Hi Jan,
Could it be that your dates are bolded or with special "in cell" formatting -- if yes, that could be the problem :
"<B>2010 03</B>" would come before "2010 02"


2010/04/03 17:03

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

if you are trying to sort by date you will need to use the YYYY-MM-DD format
otherwise it wont sort by date as it only sorts sub-items by A-Z or Z-A **
Re what Armando says -
you wont have to worry about formatting if it applies to the whole item - it's only problematic if selected text is formatted, or if the text at the start of the item is included in a link (or all the text in item is part of a link)
** Sorry Jan,  I'm incorrect there:
it will sort
  • 02-12-2009
  • 12-12-2009
  • 22-12-2009
  • 30-12-2009
& presumably should sort also sort correctly if you have month first as long as it's within one year (i.e. again, it seems to be working as expected here)


2010/04/03 19:23

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

@ Tom - Thanks for taking time to experiment w dates. I'm not sure why sorting should be affected if it is more than a single year. And I will look @ my date formatting, i.e mm dd yyyy or dd mm yyyy or yyyy mm dd & I'm not sure why that would make any difference either but I have already adjusted my time stamps to 24hr v AM / PM to help sorting.
@ Armando - I don't usually format the date but I'll keep that in mind because it probably would screw up sort altho I thought Pierre had made some change as to how IQ reads html code used in links.... maybe formatting, too.  Not clear about that. If he made change on recognizing '<' character it might work but I'm no programmer.
Anyway, thanks guys. Have a good Easter if you celebrate it.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2010/04/04 11:47

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Just to clarify...
  1. If sorting on a date field, then the format has no influence. It will sort correctly
  2. If sorting on a text field, which happens to contain a date, then it does a text sort, and the only format that will sort correctly is 2009-05-23. This issue is not IQ specific, but common to everytime a text field is used to store a date (remember the year 2000 "bug" ?)


2010/04/04 14:25

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Just to clarify...
  1. If sorting on a date field, then the format has no influence. It will sort correctly
  2. If sorting on a text field, which happens to contain a date, then it does a text sort, and the only format that will sort correctly is 2009-05-23. This issue is not IQ specific, but common to everytime a text field is used to store a date (remember the year 2000 "bug" ?)
Just to clarify a little more...
Sorting on an item would be sorting on a text field..... Yes /  No?  If so, then -- in my case -- date format would be of consequence.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2010/04/11 23:26

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Just to clarify a little more...
Sorting on an item would be sorting on a text field..... Yes /  No?  If so, then -- in my case -- date format would be of consequence.
- Yes.
- Date format has consequences.


2010/05/07 17:31

In reply to by Armando

P.-S.  Pierre : I always found that the "sort sub items" option when clicking on the column header is a bit misleading as it actually sorts TLIs.
Mantis issue :
0951 "Sort sub items... " context menu option when R-clicking on the column header : misleading as it actually sorts TLIs