Submitted by Armando on 2010/04/19 20:33
When :
- A sub item has several parents
- and they all have the same fields with inheritance "ON" and "can delete on item move"  ON (basically they all "transmit the same heritage")
If a parent (which has transmitted its heritage) is removed (remove parent link), the subitem will lose inherited data even if it still has parents (all the other parents) transmitting that same heritage.
I don't think that should be. Heritage should be removed only if no parent transmits it.
Hopefully, my description is clear.
Comments ?
Is that fixable ?


Note : apart from data loss, the other perverse effect of that bug is that can really slow down moving big trees of items as 1-  they lose inheritance when moved away, 2- and then regain it if moved back under their previous parent...

[quote=Armando]lose inherited data even if it still has parents (all the other parents) transmitting that same heritage.
I guess that transmission is determined by the transmitter rather than the recipient, and that the "delete on removal" doesn't just remove the heritage along with any particular deleted parent, but actively instructs the child to lose the heritage on removal of a parent which transmitted it.
Maybe it is possible instead of "delete on removal" to have "ignore on removal" so that only when the last parent transmitting a heritage was removed, would the heritage be lost from the child.
I'm not sure I have understood the process (but I'd like to!) and maybe this conversation will help.


2010/04/25 20:03

In reply to by david1904


I guess that transmission is determined by the transmitter rather than the recipient, and that the "delete on removal" doesn't just remove the heritage along with any particular deleted parent, but actively instructs the child to lose the heritage on removal of a parent which transmitted it.
Yes, that's it. My previous description of the problem might be unclear.
Maybe it is possible instead of "delete on removal" to have "ignore on removal" so that only when the last parent transmitting a heritage was removed, would the heritage be lost from the child.
I don't know if you use the feature or not... But just in case :  the idea behind the "can delete on item move" is that the child, if moved (or, in other words, if it loses its parent), will also lose the inherited data instead of keeping it (one option or the other can be useful depending on the case). However, for an item to lose inherited data when it still has other parents from which it's inheriting that same (now lost) data doesn't seem appropriate.

mantis :
0961 Inheritance bug with "can delete on item move"