Submitted by Armando on 2010/06/11 12:59
Pierre, this needs to be explained or fixed (together with the other inheritance problem). My DB is presently a bit of a mess and I'd like to "clean" it.
In a sample DB :
1- go to the project grid
2- Drag the project field in the grid from the properties pane  so that it's visible.
3- in the second visible item ( "Design" ), Write "Hello" in project field
4- Now go to the TLI and, again in the project field, change "Somiro" for "Somiro Test"
5- The second item's "Hello" stays... "Hello", all others are changed.
I could understand that behaviour if User modified data / fields would always stick no matter what.
But it's not the case... :
1- move the  "Design" item as a subitem of  "Complete first prototype"
2- Now the project field content becomes "Somiro test".
Why would the data be inherited then and not when it's modified in the TLI (or other parents)? Is this a bug ? Is it by design ?
The problem is maddening if I want to reapply the inheritance to a multitude of fields (literally: 1000s) : many won't inherit anything because I sometimes modified/deleted  the content manually. The only way is to move them manually one by one or apply the content to each o them, which defeats the purpose of the automated inheritance feature.
There are many problems (or things I don't understand) with inheritance (please see the mantis issues and other threads on the subject), and I really think that they should be fixed/explained ASAP.
Thanks a lot.


BTW : if others have comments or insights about why this happens, please... Don't hesitate to give your opinion!

This is no small problem. I'd appreciate feedback... Thanks.


2010/07/08 15:42

In reply to by Armando

 Update Issue1019 Inheritance problems  Bugmajornew  2010-07-08 14:42Armando

[ Moved the content of this post to a new thread ]