Submitted by brnorman on 2009/01/07 11:09
I am using the Firefox HTML clipping function quite a bit.  The way I currently use it is to clip content to a "WebPages" grid and clip links to a "WebLinks" grid.  Whenever I switch between them the clipper defauts to the grid I used last.  What I'd like to see is a separate "default" grid for each of the two separate functions in Firefox.


This is a good idea. Currently you can use the ItemHTML field to separate the two types of clips:
In the Grid Filter, enter
  1. ItemHTML is null: to get the WebLinks
  2. ItemHTML: to get the WebPages
So you would grab content and put it in the same field (notice the nomenclature: content does not go in a grid, but is assigned a field). Your 2 grids can then separate the two types of clips


2009/01/07 12:17

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

OK -
Here is what I did and it worked - let me know if this is best way. 
  • I created new field "WebClips" and checked that field in Firefox Clipper.
  • I changed my WebSites Grid data source to WebClips and setup filter to be:  ItemHasHTML is null
  • I changed my WebPages Grid data source to WebClips and setup filter to be:  ItemHasHTML
Does this make sense or is there a better way?
Are the fields WebSites and WebPages still needed / required / desirable?


2009/01/07 12:34

In reply to by brnorman

This is perfect! You're progressing well.
If you find all your clips with WebClips as the grid source, then WebSites and WebPages are not needed, otherwise
  1. Set a grid source to WebSites and WebClips is null: Set WebClips for all items (properties pane is the fastest way to do this)
  2. Set a grid source to WebPages and WebClips is null: Set WebClips for all items (properties pane is the fastest way to do this)