Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/08/15 19:17
I have the following Field settings
field = number
option = <format>Currency</format>
Control Panel > currency settings are $123.45 positive ($123.45) negative
So I thought I would be able to enter 16 & get $16.00
or I would be able to enter 16.00 & get $16.00
Neither happened.
I refreshed <F5>, closed re-opened grid, closed / re-opened program
Where did I go wrong?


It works here but did require restarting the grid
Could it be to do with your windows settings ? in XP it's under 'Regional & Language' settings in the control panel
Didnt read your post 'proper' 


2010/08/16 09:47

In reply to by Tom

Tom, I failed to mention that I don't see a change in the properties pane; I did not look at a grid column. I will be if it works in the grid but not in properties field. OK going to check now.
AHA !!  Now I'm
It works properly in grid display but currency format is not not visible in field properties pane.