Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/01/13 07:56
For examples, optionally link / assign /  connect
pending = yellow
done = red
todo = green
Same for fonts
Bold = most important
normal = normal
light black (grey)  = not important
different color flag / pin icons that change line color (URp does this)
i.e. a visual clues to an item's state based  on user need
Thx for your consideration
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


1]  I presume pending is a tick-box (yes/no) field
in that field - in Equations, the following:-
AM: ItemColor="darkblue" | E:ItemColor="yellow"
would turn item darkblue (if "darkblue" is a colour in Tools > Options > This File > Named Colors)
unticking Pending would make colour yellow
Try this in equations  for Pending field
A: ItemColor="yellow" | E:ItemColor=
the second part clears the colour when unticked
The upright "|" (not sure where that is on american keyboards) is a seperator
Read the section on auto-assign rules on 3. InfoQube Data: Items, Fields, Tags and Links 
I know, it's difficult but
then come back & look at the examples here to see do you understand what's happening
For "Done" field then (this by default is a date field I think & changes item colour to blue)
2]  With fonts - how had you pictured this working
Ctrl+B when an item has focus will make that item & all fields bold
Ctrl+I -> italic
Strikethrough is available via formatting in the item context menu (the AA button)
it would be nice to have shortcuts for strikethrough, red lettering, grey lettering but dont think this currently possible
3]  Could you explain the icons you mention a bit more (where would they go?)


2009/01/13 08:46

In reply to by Tom

Thanks Tom (you replied at the same time as me)
The SetFontAttrib function can be used to programmatically set it. Best way to find the required attribute is to format an item and checkout the Font property in the properties pane
Also remember that item font properties is applied to the whole item or to specific fields (or not at all). This is a grid property


2009/01/13 10:11

In reply to by Tom

1]  I presume pending is a tick-box (yes/no) field 
in that field - in Equations, the following:-
AM: ItemColor="darkblue" | E:ItemColor="yellow"
  • A: flag: Action will be triggered when a value is added (initially no value in the field)
  • M: flag: Action will be triggered when a value is modified (initially there is a value in the field)
so that first line should probably be
A: ItemColor="darkblue" | E:ItemColor="yellow"
"M" removed cause you cant really modify a yes/no field - it's "on" or "off" !
FWIW  I'm unable to edit some posts still in spite of being logged in (strange, it's just some posts) - not a big deal but that's why I'm posting again here instead of editing the post above
EDIT/ e.g. I can edit this one - but not the post above


2009/01/13 13:10

In reply to by Tom

2]  With fonts - how had you pictured this working
Ctrl+B when an item has focus will make that item & all fields bold
Ctrl+I -> italic
Strikethrough is available via formatting in the item context menu (the AA button)
it would be nice to have shortcuts for strikethrough, red lettering, grey lettering but dont think this currently possible
3]  Could you explain the icons you mention a bit more (where would they go?)
2] is an option to text calccolor -- assuming I understand calccolor. It woudl be great to have a lot of missing keyboard shortcuts. I believe the UI allows user to do this but I have to look further.
3] responded to in my reply to Pierre.
Tks, Tom
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1

Hi Jan,
Have you looked at the current coloring code:
  • ItemColor field is given by CalcColor function
  • CalcColor function calculates the color from the Urgency Field
These can be modified, or similar functions/fields can be used to do exactly what you want. More details avail. if required


2009/01/13 11:38

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I have not looked but let me look @ the link Tom posted & then let me look @ CalcColor function & I'll get back to you. I generally think much of this stuff is above my techie level but I'll take a look as it would be good to learn anyway.  @Pierre, @Tom, Thx
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/01/13 12:25

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

I know what you mean about techie level but mostly these (auto-assign rules) are things you set up once & that's it
And really once you've one done you can mostly use copy paste after that for other fields and change colours where necessary


2009/01/13 13:06

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Pierre, If I understand your post,  user can create urgencies, i.e. H | M | L or 1 | 2 | 3  which triggers CalcColor. And 2nd step: the calculated color will change the item color? Do I have this right?
If so, I'm not sure how / where  I set up the connection between urgencies & calcolor.
@Tom, thanks for your post. I've now read the page you directed me to (tk u) & a few other pages as well. I sorta understand it & could copy your formula into the cell property to get the effect I want, but i'd like to see if I can understand this a little more.
As for icons, I guess they would fall in the same place (or maybe as an option) to replace Ecco bullets.  I like icons because it adds a graphic representation for a lot of customized functions so sending email might be an envelope, and idea a light bulb, etc.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/01/13 13:21

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Pierre, If I understand your post,  user can create urgencies, i.e. H | M | L or 1 | 2 | 3  which triggers CalcColor. And 2nd step: the calculated color will change the item color? Do I have this right?
You're correct.
The current setup works as follows:
  1. Urgency is calculated from this equation: = CalcUrgency( dueDate, Duration, [%Done], Done ). See VBScript to see the CalcUrgency. In practice, Urgency =0 is when the task is due, >0 you're late, <0 you've got some time to finish. But it takes into account the %done, duration, etc, so when >0, it can also mean that it predicts that you'll be late!
  2. ItemColor, which controls the item back color, uses the Urgency field value: =CalcColor( [Urgency] )
You could modify these to do what you want. Once setup, the colorization and/or font attributes will change automatically