Submitted by Jon on 2011/01/09 15:49
Because of a number of situations, I must continue to use Ecco Pro and IQ, sometimes side-by-side. The difference in the readability of the outlines is striking. I find that the relationship of an item to the overall outline is much easier to see in Ecco than in IQ. This is especially true when I have zoomed the outline a few times.  I have tried using the tree lines in IQ, but is is minimally better. While I realize that screen real estate would be "wasted," is it possible to adjust the amount IQ indents each level? By the way, I can see the argument for outline styles here, as that would be a good visual indicator. However, it is not the same thing, and can add to the visual clutter.
Just a personal opinion - others may feel very different.


 I agree wholeheartedly on this one--I would like to see an  allowance to adjust to something like this: (current-state lines up with the "b" in basement)

>While I realize that screen real estate would be "wasted," is it possible to adjust the amount IQ indents each level?
This would be handy.
Especially with deeper hiarchy where it starts to be hard to see at what level is an item exactly.

Update Issue1107
Option to adjust the amount IQ indents each level  New featurefeaturenew
 2011-02-13 15:30

It is already possible by manually editing the options.ini file. Tag name is TreeIndent.
I've added an option for this in v0.9.25J


2011/02/15 07:54

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

It is already possible by manually editing the options.ini file. Tag name is TreeIndent.
I've added an option for this in v0.9.25J
I've looked through options and manage grids twice and cant find it - I have to confess my brain glazes over when reading options so it could well be there somewhere.
Anyone know where the option is?


2011/02/15 08:35

In reply to by Tom

Perhaps this is it:
Options/Grids/ Item 1.2.10
"Outline Indenting (px)" which is set to 13 pixels on my main grid.


2011/02/15 08:41

In reply to by jdonlan

Perhaps this is it:
Options/Grids/ Item 1.2.10
"Outline Indenting (px)" which is set to 13 pixels on my main grid.
thanks John, very embarrased to say, I was still using version I   
now I'll go and check out the J version