Another copy / paste or maybe linking question (long)

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/01/08 11:10
Here's the situation:
My contact list is constructed of TLI names. Could be people or companies  Example:
Mitchell oil & gas company
  oil delivery
  appt to clean furnace
  negotiated a winter price per gallon
  discussed calendar functions
  reserved trip to montreal as tourist & IQ lessons
  license / registration number pending
In order to keep track of my utility deliveries -- oil & gas, I created a new "utilities delivery grid" w a form which I use to add
what kind of delivery, i.e.

Couple of basic questions

Submitted by dyuhas on 2010/01/08 10:59
I found IQ via a mention by James Fallows on his blog.  It looks extremely promising.  It's also, at this point in the development cycle, extremely frustrating and confusing.  Couple of questions:
1 - Import of Evernote data does not seem to work.  Is this feature enabled?
2 - The Firefox extension does not seem to work.  Or perhaps the data is being store somewhere that is not obvious?  Is this feature enabled?

Can't open iq file no 2 - genuinely basic getting started question

Submitted by sfinxx on 2010/01/07 02:41
So my situation can be summed up as follows:

After years of tedious search for "my" all-in-one pim, notetaker, organizer, task/project/information manager, outliner ... , reading lots of program descriptions and even more forum discussions - such as donationcoder, outlinersoftware and similar - after a number of disappointing practical efforts with quite a number of programs, such as eccopro in particular I finally decided that infoqube must be what comes closest to what I'm looking for.

But unfortunately I cannot get infuqube to work. I can start Infoqube OK - empty, without database. I can create a new file, and I can save it. But when I want to (re)open a file the program hangs and I can't do anything but force it to close using the task manager. But I cannot start Infoqube by clicking on a database file icon.

Calendar - Recurrence issue

Submitted by Darwin on 2010/01/06 23:49
I'm not sure if this is a bug per se, but it is a convenience issue for sure! I have been entering my work schedule into the calendar in pre-release 13 and have been making use of the recurrence feature. Everything works great EXCEPT for the fact that by default the recurrence flag is checked for Monday, rather than the day of the week that the event was entered for. Further, checking the flag for the correct day does not clear the flag for Monday, resulting in duplicate entries if one is not paying attention...

On-line version of InfoQube based on GWT - Proposals ?

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2010/01/06 14:18
Are there any Google Web Toolkit (GWT) developers around ?
The reason I ask is that one could quite easily build an online version of IQ (albeid with limited functionality) using this framework and these components:
This, combined with the now super easy sync services, such as Dropbox, could be used to make an online, client-less and free version of InfoQube. Not the full functionality, but a decent subset.
This is not something I have the time to tackle before releasing V1.0, but I wanted nevertheless send the idea out...

Really basic getting started questions

Submitted by blew1000 on 2010/01/06 12:10
I'm in the crowd of ex-Agenda, ex-Ecco, users, so I get the basic idea of InfoQube (which I just heard about through the James Fallows mention).  I'm excited to try it.
But I'm finding the "Getting Started" documentation too dense.  I need some basics:
* If I'm starting to create items, how do I take an item I've already created and turn it into a child item?
item 1
item 2
item 3
item 1
   item 1.1 (formerly item 2)
   item 1.2 (formerly item 3)
* What does it mean to "hoist" an item(s)?
Maybe there's a section of the Getting Started that I'm missing that has this kind of information?  Sort of a "If you're not familiar with InfoQube, try the following steps to create your own

New Item entry point & Insert Time only w shortcut

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/01/06 10:43
Hi Pierre,
When entering a sub-item w <CTRL><ENTER> when other sub-items are already present, IQ opens newest item @ bottom so  for example
If I were entering item 3 below item 2, i would  focus on Pierre & <CTRL><ENTER>
If I were entering item 3 & I wanted it before item 1, I would focus on item 1 & <ALT><SHFT><ENTER>
-- item 1
-- item 2
I'm wondering if this can be simplified so user could focus in same place -- let's say Pierre --
<CTRL><ENTER> would add new child at bottom (i.e. under item 2)
<CTRL><SHFT><ENTER> would add a child immediately under the parent (i.e.