Cut item field gives XML [+other copy confusion]

Submitted by Tom on 2014/04/24 05:12
I dont copy/cut text much within IQ but this is definitely odd behaviour (imo):

Item field has focus - (note that when Item field has focus the whole row is highlighted)
I want to cut the text from the item field:
Ctrl+X => the text is cut
the cut text is XML - does not paste here properly but looks like this:

While waiting for IQ developments

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2014/04/18 15:59
Before going further, let me say that I am very excited by the amount of IQ development that has been coming down the pike; congratulations, Pierre.  
For the past 6 months or so I have shifted my attention to Zoot & I have only a single observation I'd like to make comparing the two products:
Zoot rules, actions, filters are in ENGLISH, meaning they are clearly understandable vs IQ where symbols, equations & such have to be employed to get the same work done. 
I think this is an important differentiation & -- Pierre -- you might consider how to simplify that

Outline labels

Submitted by Jon on 2014/04/17 14:42
I'm confused about the function of the command Grid | Show outline labels. The # column is displayed as the first column of a grid followed by Item. I would have expected that checking this option would cause the # column to display outline labels. I would think that unchecking it would result in the outline numbers behaving as they did before 22.
Nope. When I tick the option, I now see two identical sets of outline numbers displaying in the # and item columns. This seems redundant to me and not at all the way I would have expected, coming as I do from Ecco.
What do you think Pierre and others?

Calendar options

Submitted by Jon on 2014/04/17 14:26
I really don't use the calendar but I thought it would be a good idea to at least learn its capabilities.
It seems that the options (Options|Calendar) don't all stick. For example,  I cannot input the full time for the start of a workday. It only seems to take one number, a colon and then a second number. I've tried just using 7:0 or 7: for 7:00am, but upon re-opening the database, the default 8:00am replaces my preference. Check the other settings too because the "Day Time scale starts at" does the same thing.

Version 0.9.26Pre-Rel22 is now available !

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2014/04/16 15:19
Hi IQ Users,
In this interim release (v0.9.26PreRel22):
  • New: Grids: Outline Labels. Initial release of this much requested feature. Use Grid > Show Outline Labels to turn ON/OFF.
    In future releases, we'll add named lists of outline labels allowing customisations (à la Ecco Pro)
    One can see numeric and alpha labels, cumulative or not (cumulative in the first 3 levels):

Work integrating Goople Calendar Sync has started.
And, usual, enjoy an additional 90 days of free use !
IQ Designer