Various problems surrounding the use of SQL and of list of values pop-ups have been introduced by a recent IQ version - but I'm not sure which one, sorry.
If I create a new IQbase and create fields Classification (text) and ClassKey (type = List of items pop-up, Field containing the pop-up value = Classification), the pop-up list is shown as empty even when I populate the field Classification with several values.
In my longstanding main IQbase, I have various SQL-derived fields and pop-up lists. One such field, called KindVal, has type = SQL query (advanced),
select kind as KindVal from Kind order by left(kind,255) with Entry must be in list.
This fails in use:
Cannot show the list.
The query: select kind as KindVal from Kind order by left(kind,255) asc
could not be executed.
If the SQL references an IQ grid, this grid must be set to be visible to