Missing Fields in Properties Pane

Submitted by WayneK on 2018/01/06 20:44
The bottom of the properties pane shows "All Fields" but I've noticed several times that not all fields are listed.  For example, "ItemHomeGrid" and "ItemHomeID" are both missing.  I couldn't find an explanation in the manual.
I'm going to guess it's because "Home" is found under "Item Info" at the top of the Properties Pane.   Just seems to contradict the heading "All Fields".

Title Bar Problems

Submitted by WayneK on 2018/01/05 14:20
I don't recall someone talking about this but on my system the windows expand/collapse appears to have a number of problems.
1) In unexpanded state, windows shows "expand" icon at top right, as all programs do.
2) But when the window is expanded to full screen, this icon disappears (unlike other programs).  Instead, the "minimize" icon shows up  as part of a toolbar that can be moved around.  Maybe this is intentional.  I don't have a problem with it other than it makes the process different from all other programs, which you have to remember.
3) The problem is that when the window is maximized, the title bar at the top also disappears, and the icon in the windows taskbar goes blank.  If you're working on several files, it makes it difficult to figure out what's what.
Normal title bar in unexpanded window:

Running External File Trough VB Script

Submitted by Muadib on 2018/01/04 18:37
Hi everyone, Happy new year!
I was trying to open file with vb script on InfoQube:
function runwhencheck()
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim exeName
Dim statusCode
exeName = "D:\Inbox\msg.ahk"                                                           
statusCode = WshShell.Run (exeName, 0, true)

Sorting failsafe

Submitted by WayneK on 2018/01/01 12:17
What's the easiest way to ensure that the item sequence doesn't get accidentally scrambled?   Worst-case situation: you have a long sequence of subitems that you inadvertently sort alphabetically.  The result would be a time-consuming mess to untangle.
I suppose you could get a roughly accurate re-arrangement by sorting by modified date, but this won't work for items that were edited or inserted later.
When I take book notes, I use a sequence column so that every item is assigned a page number and sequence number on that page.  So there, I don't have to worry.
In other cases, there are no page numbers to assign (eg web notes), and I've fallen into the habit of taking long sections of notes with no sequence assignment.  I started getting nervous about this so I decided to add a sequence column for these notes and in the process of doing this I partially scrambled my notes and h