Copying text from Popup Editor locks up / exits IQ. 0.9.111c

Submitted by lbw2112 on 2018/11/30 07:19
 Good morning,
  This is happening when I need to copy some text out of the "Item" and choose "Popup Editor" to make it easier.
  If I click on the "Item" name and go to Popup Editor, I select text I want to copy, right click and click "Copy", then there appears to be a smaller transparent window opening up in the lower part of the Popup Editor (it's just the frame and box of a window, blank inside).  Then it locks up.  After that if I click outside the window or change focus on another program, IQ will usually exit and close, but it sometimes just went back to the main screen.  

Column filter for subitem

Submitted by WayneK on 2018/11/29 11:55
I need to find a subitem I created yesterday in a large grid with many TLI's and subitems.  I've re-read the Filter section of the manual and have carried out numerous searches and filters with no luck.  In the course of this, I did find the subitem though brute force memory, so now I'm trying to figure out why all my filtering attempts failed.
1)   Grid>Column Filter>Check "Filter items at any levels"
From the manual: "Filter Items at any levels: All items that meet the filter will be displayed.

SVG Images

Submitted by Paul_J_Miller on 2018/11/29 09:40
Following up on some of Pierres comments on SVG in the document pane I have been experimenting with inserting SVG images into the document pane.  SVG images generally take up less space than bitmap images.
However the problem is to get the image onto the page.
Copy and paste from Inkscape just inserts a frame (with re-size handles) which contains nothing.
Copy and paste from Internet Exploiter copies a bitmapped image.
If you edit the HTML code and insert the text of the SVG file then you get the image displayed correctly with the background colour showing through all the transparent bits, great, but this is more difficult than it should be and the image is also fragile.
Re-sizing the image or moving it can often cause it to disappear and/o

Images saved in database cleanup / export.

Submitted by lbw2112 on 2018/11/29 08:06
 Hello.  I'm pretty new to InfoQube and am loving exploring what it can do.  I've tried finding an answer to this but I didn't and would like to know before I start adding all my information into IQ.
The questions are about exporting/printing images but having an easy cleanup/deleting unused image files when I erase temporary items that have them.  I need to export with images.
-MHT would work perfectly for me, since it deletes the associated image if I delete the item, but it doesn't print/export in HTML the images.
-Paste as Bitmap works great for print/export, but it leaves the associated image file there if I delete the item.
My main question would be is there an easy solution that I'm missing to delete the associated item image if I erase that item, or would it be easier to make a note of the "ID Item" number and manually delete that image

Pane Tabs

Submitted by WayneK on 2018/11/28 21:03
Just in case someone isn't already using this handy feature, I'd like to call attention to the ability to dock multiple panes in a single pane with tabs.  I just figured this out recently (I'm slow) when I found I was
running out of horizontal space after adding the Tags and Favorites panes next to my existing Forms pane.
Having three or more panes combined in one saves a lot of space while keeping what you need in easy reach.  Here's what my current set up looks like:

Hyperlinks stopped working

Submitted by WayneK on 2018/11/27 15:04
I have hundreds of items that are hyperlinks to pdf's set to open in my pdf software.
I just found that when I click a link now, instead of opening the pdf, it opens the scratch grid.  At first I thought it was importing the pdf contents but that's not it.  It's a weird collection of items and subitems that make no sense to me.
Haven't been able to find an answer
Here's what the hypertext dialogue looks like:

Request for the option to have a NON-SCROLLING current Grid Record Indicator.

Submitted by DragonGem on 2018/11/25 18:33
 Currently, IQ treats the [ # ] column of the current [Item] as the INDICATOR for the currently focused Grid Row by changing its Fill color. Unfortunately, that column can scroll off the screen so the user not only loses the visual indicator down the left-hand side of the grid but also loses the ability to select an entire grid row with the mouse. Most grids have the option of showing a fixed current row indicator ">".

Turning OFF [Highlight Focused Cell] Option affects drawing of the Column Header as well

Submitted by DragonGem on 2018/11/25 18:18
 As previously reported, turning OFF the [Highlight Focused Cell] Grid Option should only affect how the focused cell is drawn. My purpose in turning the option off is to have embedded RTF color formatting in the {Item] column show at all times. This works as expected BUT now the Header of the focused cell is also re-drawn with the default color INSTEAD of the specified color in the corresponding Field Property Definition.


Submitted by jnmwarren on 2018/11/24 16:23
I am trying to figure out where all of the options are so that I can set them and then when a new version comes out I don't have to set them all up again.
I found some in the option.ini file.
I don't see the 'Show count on the horizontal tab' in the options.ini file.
Also I don't see the 'Use the Tab Key to indent/outdent' in the options.ini file. Nor do I see 'Show items back color even or odd lines."