Moving fields in forms

Submitted by WayneK on 2020/08/31 00:33
I notice some nice changes in how form fields are displayed in 9.116pre6.
When I select a field and drag it, a red bar appears above the cursor like the field is being dragged to a new location.  But when I release the mouse button, nothing happens.  The field remains back at its original location.
Has drag-and-drag been implemented and mine just isn't working?
Would love to see this.  Would also like to see right-click in Forms pane>add field.
These two things would greatly simplify forms management.

How to use the "flat list" and "tree view" grid display modes

Submitted by comvox on 2020/08/23 20:16
I have spent some time trying to figure out the grid display modes, "normal-flat list-tree view". I can't get them to work like it is shown in the help file topic, "1. Grid Display Modes", no matter which options I turn on or off. ( I have imported the sample AdrsBook grid, and tried the grid modes both on that and on some of my own test grids.)

For example, "flat list" seems to just collapse sub-items.  I tried having different columns as the column to the right of "Item", thinking that might help flat list select what to display, but it didn't matter.

The nearest I can get to what I think "flat list" should be is to set "Is Tree Column" to a different column than "Item". But it is still not what the help file shows as what the flat list should be.

How to set a conditional format to change item's font color if it has two or more parents ('nbParents' field > 1)?

Submitted by carloscadu on 2020/08/22 11:20
I'd appreciate your help.
Besides the field 'nbParents', does IQ provide other default identification that an item has more than one parent?
Since I'm not aware of other visual identification than 'nbParents' field, I'm trying to create a conditional format to change item's font color if it has two or more parents ('nbParents' field > 1).
It is the first time I'm dealing with the conditional functionality in IQ and found difficult to set it by myself.
Could someone provide how should I set the conditional format to color the items given the mentioned condition?
Thank you very much,

Outline grid formatting problem

Submitted by gunars on 2020/08/20 19:23
Here is a formatting problem I came across in 0.9.115, but is still present:
1) Enter a new text-only item with "abcde".
2) While still in edit mode, select the text.
3) Press the Font button - it was at default Segoe UI 9 pt in 115, but now is blank.
4) Select Calibri 12 pt and press OK.
5) Press Font button again (text is still selected).

Why did we lose grid lines option?

Submitted by WayneK on 2020/08/19 16:13
Just updated 9.114s to 9.1116pre5.
What happened to the solid line option for grid lines?  I re-installed 114s to make sure I wasn't losing my mind.  Yep, the solid line option was there.
Could we please get the solid line option back?
It's a  minor point but shouldn't updates preserve previous options setting?  Several of my grid line options were changed.  Not a big deal, except it makes me wonder if other options have been changed without me noticing yet.
As a general rule, existing option settings should not be changed when you update, right?

Tags Column Filter Not Working

Submitted by WayneK on 2020/08/11 14:44
I think this is a bug but there's always a chance I am doing something wrong.
I have a long list of items I want to assign tags to.  To keep track of what's done and not done, I have applied a column filter to the tags column: IsBlank.
This should remove all items that have assigned tags, leaving the ones that still need them.
Cannot get it to work right.  It repeatedly shows items that have tags.