Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2012/01/05 15:24
I read several articles from the online help file but don't understand a few things.
Here's my grid
It appears the children part of the column equation isn't implemented yet.
putting that aside
I gathered a year's worth of these expenses which I want to put into a year end report
Do I put a column equation in the BDIxpnsCost field?
If not then where?
What I do in this case where the BDIxpnse are all children?
Suppose they weren't, would my equation be children = sum
where would the total appear or do I have to create an item = Total
I can't picture this process.
Thanks for your help


I would need to see a picture of the actual organisation of the numeric data to see if the hierarchy equations will do what you want.
Also, if each value has a date associated with it, you could use the pivot table.


2012/01/06 14:42

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 pierre, its really represented in the pngs I supplied. The items are all children of a date as illustrated & the amount in each case happens to be $17.00. There are a total of 32 such subitems that are BDIxpnseCosts. I dont know what more:to show you. ??? but tell me & I will certainly do it.


2012/01/06 14:53

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

OK, I didn't see the right most column, your screenshot was wider than my screen !
You can try in the hierarchy equation: parent=sum(children) (so select parent in the combo, and type SUM in the equation box. Then Press the recalc button to process all items
If each item has a date, the pivot table would be excellent to compute totals by week / month / year / by category, etc


2012/01/07 10:21

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks Pierre. I assume you mean I should do this in the property field of  BDIxpns Cost ?
I did the above & IQ inserted the total for each date on the parent line which seems right but doesn't do exactly what I wanted
If possible I'd like IQ to total all the BDIxpnsecost(s) vertically & give me a total. In this case it would be $323
Is that possible? If so, I'll need instructions. Thanks


2012/01/07 11:23

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

For this to work as you want, you'd need to put all those items under a main item. Remember this is a hierarchy equation
If you have many many items, using the pivot table will work better. Simply add a date to your "Sun", "Wed" etc entries and open the pivot table view


2012/01/07 11:36

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

So now I need Office 2000 web components for the pivot table?
doesn't the itemcreatedate function as a date in this case?


2012/01/08 01:09

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Yes you need some version of Office (2000 and +)
Yes you could use ItemCreated, if you always create the items the day of the spending, which requires quite the discipline !!!
I've been meaning to add the possibility to change the ItemCreated value, but hesitated, not being sure of the implications...


2012/02/04 12:19

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Pierre, see below for example. Does this help you help me construct something?


2012/02/10 10:44

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Still don't know how to do column sum? Do I create a new item under Deliveries 2011-2012, call it totals? Where do I add the sum formula, i.e. which field? price, Totals? Sorry if I'm being dense.


2012/02/10 11:50

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

 In the field that you want summed, you can add the following in the hierarchy equation: Parent = SUM (children) (and press the Refresh button, just right of the equation)


2012/02/10 12:05

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

GOT IT !!  That's really neat. Thanks, Pierre.