I want to access the same Infoqube database from different computers (e.g. desktop, laptops). My IQ database resides on my desktop. So, when I want to acess the database from my laptop, I run IQ on my laptop and load the database from the desktop. It's a big database and it takes awhile for a grid to appear on my laptop (connected via wifi).
I wonder what is going on underneath. Is my laptop trying to load the entire database over the wifi connection, as if it were residing on my laptop hard drive? Obviously that slows things down a lot. Shouldn't there be some kind of client-server thing going on, where the processing is done on the desktop (where the database resides), so as to limit the amount of data that has to be transferred over the network connection?
Is there some other way I should be accessing the desktop database from my laptop?
when running iq on my laptop, it would be nice to be able to access a database on my laptop that syncs up with the desktop database when a network connection is available - but I don't think we have that yet, do we? If not, what's planned in that regard?