There's various possibilities here but I'll just give one example:
You have a budget of say, 5000
The available budget decreases as it gets used up - as you spend money and/or time.
Any tips here ?
A 'Budget' field could be an equation that subtracts the 'cost' columns from 5000.
But that solution seems to only work for one project then.
How could I do this for multiple budgets simultaneously ?
is there another way?
TIA, Tom
Function mySum(IncludeIt, x) ' Calculates the sum of the array x if IncludeIt is true
dim d, i
for i=0 to d
if IncludeIt(i)=true then mySum = mySum+NZ(x(i))
end Function
> (note that it is not required to have "automatic recalculation" checked, as there are no date fields involved)Oups!
that was a mistake as I used my own fields to provide the screenshots...