Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2015/11/04 17:10
Hi IQ Users,
In this release (v0.9.26PreRel60a), centered on fixing Calendar related issues :
  • New: Calendar: 2 and 3 days view
  • New: Calendar: Option to auto-hide the mini-calendar
  • New: Calendar: Can now move the time scale and/or mini-calendar to the right side of the Calendar. Hold Alt and drag-drop the time scale or mini-calendar
  • New: Calendar: Event back color matches item back color. Event text color matches item text color
  • New: Calendar: The current day is now highlighted in red
  • New: Calendar: Zoom in/out is now increases / decreases the Calendar font size
  • New: Calendar: New context menu to create an all-day event
  • New: Calendar: Better support for cursor keys (up/down, left/right). If no event selected, scrolls by day / week / month. If an event is selected, move to the next / previous event
  • New: Grid: Option to not show transparent selection
  • New: Properties Pane now shows the current item text on the pane caption
  • New: Work Offline mode. All Internet related features are disabled in this mode
  • New: Tool > Options: Option to not restore layout when opening files
  • New: Renumber items dialog: Supports ? wildcards. So for example, ABC?? will give ABC01 ABC02 ABC03, ...
  • Fixed: Grid: Drag drop an item to the Calendar created an event but the item in the grid was not refreshed to show the created event (normally shown as a sub-item)
  • Fixed: Grid: Grids did not update when sub-items were added
  • Fixed: Grid: Paste from Excel no longer worked correctly (pasted an image instead of the cell content)
  • Fixed: Calendar: Toggling time scales did not work correctly if the Windows time setting included AM/PM
  • Fixed: Calendar: Workweek button showed the first 5 days of the week, not the worked week
  • Fixed: Calendar: In Workweek view, changing month / year using the date filter toolbar now move correctly (4 weeks / 52 weeks)
  • Fixed: Calendar: Faster repeat rate when using the DateFilter toolbar up/down day buttons
  • Fixed: Calendar: Improved event tooltip
  • Fixed: Calendar: Edit > Undo / Redo is now enabled
  • Fixed: Properties Pane: Undo / Redo keyboard shortcuts now work correctly
  • Fixed: DateTime editor: Show in Calendar no longer worked
  • Fixed: DateFilter Day dropdown did not show at the correct position on a second monitor
  • Fixed: Issues related to regional settings (date / time / number formats)
  • Fixed: On opening a file, the Restore Layout dialog was not responding to key stokes
Download it here
IQ Designer


Thanks Pierre! A lot of stuff there...
While not using the calendar (yet), will still have a look at the new stuff in the  next few days.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz

So, Pierre, this is GREAT!  Calendar is much more stable, scrolling works beautifully, can apply text and background colors to events which is HUGE for me because that's how I differentiate types of events, can globally increase/decrease event text, Great Improvements, Thanks.
Two things I can't seem to figure out.:
1) how to display AM/PM instead of 24hr clock settings, probably there's an InfoQube setting to do that but I can't figure it out.  My Win7 settings are AM/PM.
2) In Multi-Week View c/w Time Scale Not Showing, still can't get all events to display in chronological order and it seems to be specifically repeat events that want to reside by default at the end of a calendar days events.  So if I have multiple repeat and one-off events on the same day, chronological display is chaotic.  F5 refresh doesn't seem to make a difference.
Also JSYK, I deleted all the old menu.dat files as per your suggestion and was able to install the "installer" version with no issues.
It's time I sent you another license-use payment, how do I do that again?
Doug Bartlett

Pierre, here's more info for you.
Multi-week view, displays 24hr clock and events not in chronological order.
Single-week view c/w time-scale selected, display shows correct order and AM/PM to middle item, BUT no time to first and last item.
Doug Bartlett

Another small issue I've noticed:  when right-clicking on calendar and choosing "New Event" from right-click popup-menu instead of "New All-Day Event",  the all-day event option is consistently checked-off by default anyhow.
Doug Bartlett


2015/11/11 12:45

In reply to by d bartlett

It should be unchecked if you right-click on a specific time.
If the time scale is not shown, then the all-day event checkbox will be checked