Submitted by Armando on 2015/11/16 14:44
 This doesn't seem to happen all the time, not sure why. But it does most of the time.
1- select an item cell with font formatting or other HTML tags (like hyperlinks)
2- ctrl+c to copy
3- create an other item and paste (ctrl+v) : the text is there, but all HTML tags are lost.
I've checked various settings on my side and can't find any correlations.
Anybody can confirm that?


I copy/paste cells all the time and haven't had any problems with formatting, but I'm still using 60a.
Win 7, 64 bit Cyberpower Model 1, C Series (2011) 16 GB RAM
27" Samsung S27A350H, 24" ASUS VW242H  1920x1080


2015/11/17 19:02

In reply to by WayneK

Maybe it's 61, but I think I've noticed it before.
I still don't know why it happens as its intermittent. I turned my clipboard manager off, but the problem didn't go. Now I've shut it down; will see.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2015/11/18 06:16

In reply to by Armando

hi Armando --
tested on 60a & 61 (I'm just after upgrading): it worked fine on both.

Win.7 64bit  ~  IQ portable


2015/11/18 12:34

In reply to by Tom

hi Armando --
tested on 60a & 61 (I'm just after upgrading): it worked fine on both.
My clipboard manager is OFF, and the problem still happens.

I think the problem happens when an item contains multiple lines. E.g, in a single item cell:
Different <font impact;11>font face</font> and <font ;14>font sizes</font> are also possible
So is <fgcolor=ff0000>forecolor</fgcolor> and <bgcolor=00FF00>backcolor</bgcolor>
So to reproduce the problem in a sample file:
0- NOT using the WYSIWYG editor
1- Welcome grid
2- In an  item cell, enter edit mode and CREATE from scratch 2 separate formatted lines (ctrl+shift to change line) -- use bold, italic etc. on some word.. Do NOT copy the lines from elsewhere and do not create the various lines using repeated copy/paste. 2 lines are enough, but... Create all of them from scratch.***
3- Select the complete item cell (full cell, not just the text in edit mode) and copy (ctrl+c)
4- Select some other cell, and paste (ctrl+V) and choose "paste all lines in the selected cell"
--> Here the text is pasted but formatting is lost
I can now reproduce that 100% of the time.
*** for some reasons, copying 2 times the same cell, will copy the formatting and the problem won't appear. Perhaps some problems with how the data is sent to the clipboard for multiple lines cells?
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2015/11/18 14:20

In reply to by Armando

Tried it many times, and it works 100% of the time


2015/11/18 15:05

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Tried it many times, and it works 100% of the time
Yes, I know. I've tried a few minutes later and I couldn't reproduce it.
And now I'm trying it, and it does it. Here's what I just did.
In edit mode I copied the line:

The following text formatting is available in the outline: <b>Bold</b>, <i>Italic</i>, <u>Underline</u>, <s>Strikeout</s> and <u><i><b>combinations</b></i></u> of
And added it (after shift+enter) after that text:
Different <font impact;11>font face</font> and <font ;14>font sizes</font> are also possible
- Then selected the entire cell and copied (ctrl+c) the whole (new) text
- created an item right after the current item
- pasted the text : no more format.
As far as I can tell, I have nothing special running (no clipboard manager), and the problem only happens in IQ.
If I recopy the text, and repaste it, the formatting appears...
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz