Submitted by David_H on 2015/12/11 15:25
Please see the attachment with question.


Hi David,
For a simple source, which is the case here, the source field will be set for all TLI items. The second box (Assign field list for all TLI) are a set of "additional" fields, to also assign all TLI.
So the fact that the source field appears there (or not) is irrevelant


2015/12/25 01:49

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

But Pierre, that only partially answers my question.
1. Why doesn't anything show up in the auto-assign area when for every other grid it does?  That suggests to me that something is wrong with one of my settings or a bug of some type.  If i select a different grid source, that source immediately shows up in the auto-assign area, the moment I switch back to Personal Dashboard as the source there is nothing in the auto-assign area.
2. More importantly, I just tested it and it does not appear to be irrelevant in my case because when I enter TLI items in the grid they do NOT receive the source field, at least at the moment, which is why I probably just reported in the other thread that I had an item disappear again.
And this I can at least duplicate at the moment.  See the screesnhot where I type in some gibberish.  The item is NOT being assigned the value of the grid, so quite naturally it disappears from the grid at some point.


2015/12/29 02:05

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

The second box (Assign field list for all TLI) are a set of "additional" fields, to also assign all TLI.
Just a small note : I believe it's "Auto-assign field list to all items [...]", meaning that even subs will be affected. The first box is read only anyway. Unless I'm misunderstanding something, of course.
Disclaimer: "Testing IQ with the most advanced/complicated IQBase in the world". I.e. slower than average.
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz

OK, I was able to fix this.  Please see the latest screenshot Pierre and comment (after Christmas of course :-D).
Edit: when I ask in my screenshot "why do other grids without brackets show up in the auto-assign area" all I meant was, why isn't it consistent?  That is, why did I have to add brackets to the source on the grid in question to fix the issue, whereas in other grids the source is not enclosed in brackets and it shows up in the auto assign area just fine?

This issue is fixed in v64
Thanks for reporting