Submitted by ethanrox on 2016/03/29 12:41
Let's say we have a hyperlink in the Notes field of a Parent Item to one of its children or grand-children which are collapsed.
Sometimes clicking the Link will expand the tree, sometimes it will show the linked item in the Scratch Grid instead.
For me it is random, but maybe it is not?


No, it is not random... the way it works is:
  • If the linked item is loaded in the current grid, the focus is moved to that item, in that grid
  • If not, the item is shown in it's homegrid if it set, otherwise in the Scratch grid
So... it depends if the sub-item is loaded or not. Sub-items are generally loaded when they need to be displayed. So if a grand parent is closed, the grand child will not be loaded.
IQ Designer


2016/03/29 13:15

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks for the explanation.

I ran into this issue, because I try to use more hyperlinks for navigation inside a multi-level hierarchical tree.
However, the only way for this to work is then to not refresh the grid, because otherwise the subitems are not being reloaded, hence they are not visible after the refresh.
Can we have an option in the grid settings to load all items regardless of hierarchy? Default being OFF as it now stands, but when ON it would not affect performance that much because we are talking about 200-500 items.


2016/03/29 13:55

In reply to by ethanrox

Hi !
Yeah, loading of collapsed items is something I'd like to add. In the meantime, you can force-load all items by hitting Ctrl + 9, followed by Ctrl + 1 to collapse it back
IQ Designer


2016/03/29 14:04

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Yepp, I thought of this work-around as well while writing my last response, however it does not get the most satisfactory results for my purpose. That's why I dared to ask for the feature :)


2016/03/29 14:24

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Btw while we are the topic of expanding, would it be difficult to implement a command that expands not only the children, but also the grandchildren and grand-grandchildren of the item that has the focus one level at a time ?


2016/03/29 14:28

In reply to by ethanrox

Shift + Ctrl + 9 ?
IQ Designer


2016/03/29 14:32

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks! :) This will work. Shift+Ctrl+1=collapse to focused item,Shift+Ctrl+2 = immediate level, Shift+Ctrl+3 = grandchildren, Shift+Ctrl+4...


2016/04/01 12:22

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi !
Yeah, loading of collapsed items is something I'd like to add. In the meantime, you can force-load all items by hitting Ctrl + 9, followed by Ctrl + 1 to collapse it back
IQ Designer
This problem is part of my list of small things to look at too!
One thing that could be "fixed" in the meantime is to directly redirect those hyperlinks to the scratch grid (OR allow to hoist the item(s) in the current grid, maybe as an option -- ctrl+click?). As, right now, hyperlinks pointing to subs hidden underneath other items in the  same grid don't do anything. They fail silently and seem broken.
Workaround: users need to "shift-click" nonworking hyperlinks to open them in a scratch grid, OR do a ctrl+9, which is often inconvenient  because even if the hyperlink will then work properly, it might also show many other unwanted item/branches that need to be collapsed to ease reading.
Disclaimer: "Testing IQ with the most advanced/complicated IQBase in the world". I.e. slower than average.
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz


2016/04/01 12:57

In reply to by Armando

As, right now, hyperlinks pointing to subs hidden underneath other items in the  same grid don't do anything. They fail silently and seem broken.
Are you sure of this ? I just tested it and the link opened in the Scratch grid
IQ Designer


2016/04/01 13:04

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

99% sure. BUT, it seems that the itemHomeGrid has to be set [edit : for the item the hyperlink is referring to]... And I forgot about that! (I developed the habit of setting the itemHomeGrid  as much as possible for items referred to by hyperlinks.)
Disclaimer: "Testing IQ with the most advanced/complicated IQBase in the world". I.e. slower than average.
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz


2016/04/01 13:12

In reply to by Armando

99% sure. BUT, it seems that the itemHomeGrid has to be set [edit : for the item the hyperlink is referring to]... 
I just tried it and if the HomeGrid is set, it opens hoisted in that grid... Not ideal but at least, it does not silently fails
IQ Designer


2016/04/01 13:35

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

99% sure. BUT, it seems that the itemHomeGrid has to be set [edit : for the item the hyperlink is referring to]... 
I just tried it and if the HomeGrid is set, it opens hoisted in that grid... Not ideal but at least, it does not silently fails
IQ Designer
OK, thanks for trying it, Pierre. It was  more complex than I thought and I've discovered the culprit.
At some point I renamed many grids, and the itemHomeGrid value is now obsolete for many items.  So that's why it fails silently. What made it difficult to diagnose is that it was not just one item that had the problem... as many grids were changed at once. And...  the links were still working within the grid after an expand + with the scratch grid. (I'll have to make a search and make corrections everywhere).
I wonder if either IQ could :
- tell the user the itemHomeGrid Value is obsolete and redirect automatically to the scratch grid / or hoist in current grid
- automatically update itemHomeGrid values -- but that might be very tricky
[Edit : A  comment about grid names : as opposed to items that have an ID number independent from the item's field value, Grids' or field's IDs are their name... Makes it more "dangerous" to change grid/field's name, but it's almost as easy to do. ]
Disclaimer: "Testing IQ with the most advanced/complicated IQBase in the world". I.e. slower than average.
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz


2016/04/01 13:47

In reply to by Armando

I wonder if either IQ could :
  1. tell the user the itemHomeGrid Value is obsolete and redirect automatically to the scratch grid / or hoist in current grid
  2. automatically update itemHomeGrid values -- but that might be very tricky
  1. Will do
  2. Just checked: This is already implemented !
IQ Designer


2016/04/01 13:55

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I wonder if either IQ could :
  1. tell the user the itemHomeGrid Value is obsolete and redirect automatically to the scratch grid / or hoist in current grid
  2. automatically update itemHomeGrid values -- but that might be very tricky
  1. Will do
  2. Just checked: This is already implemented !
IQ Designer
OK thanks.
About #2... So I guess it was implemented after I renamed grids. Or unless my grid names fools the system ? They are sometimes long with "_" to separate terms e.g. : ProtPron2_PROD_REDAC
Disclaimer: "Testing IQ with the most advanced/complicated IQBase in the world". I.e. slower than average.
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz


2016/04/01 14:00

In reply to by Armando

Try it out...
It was implemented in v0.9.26PreRel65, released on Jan 15th 2016
IQ Designer


2016/04/01 14:05

In reply to by Armando

About #2... So I guess it was implemented after I renamed grids. Or unless my grid names fools the system ? They are sometimes long with "_" to separate terms e.g. : ProtPron2_PROD_REDAC
Just tried it and it partially worked.
- My ProtPron2_PROD_REDAC2 grid was already opened
- right clicked on tab to open the manage grids dialog
- Renamed ProtPron2_PROD_REDAC2 to ProtPron2_PROD_REDAC3 and saved , then closed the dialog.
- Back to the grid  : Refreshed it. The name remained  the same, but I thought it was probably a matter of closing and reopening the grid.
- Clicked on an  hyperlink anyway and it didn't work.
- Checked what was the itemhomegrid value of the aim : was ProtPron2_PROD_REDAC3 as expected (as I changed the grid's name)
- closed and reopened the grid : name remained ProtPron2_PROD_REDAC2
- went back to the manage grids dialog, and the grid name was still ProtPron2_PROD_REDAC2
- Rechanged it.
That time, the grid name was changed as expected. Now itemhomegrid values and the grid name do correspond.
Disclaimer: "Testing IQ with the most advanced/complicated IQBase in the world". I.e. slower than average.
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz