Sometimes there are so many ways to accomplish the same thing with IQ that the challenge is deciding on the best way.
Let's assume you outline your items in this "OGPT" manner:
- Goals
-- Projects
And let's assume:
1. You want to have dedicated grids which represents each.
2. You want each grid to show the associated child items, but not parent items. So you want the Objectives grid to show the entire outline. But you want the Goals grid to display the outline of Goals, Projects and Tasks, but NOT show Objectives. And so on.
A. Would you use dedicated check mark fields for O, G, P and T? Or would you use a single pop-up field where you select a value of O, G, P or T? And why?
B. How would you accomplish the filtering so each grid only shows what you want? would you just use the display mode and context parents settings or another method? And why?
C. Any other comments you have...