For a long time I've been running the portable veersion of IQ. And I got the idea that it would be convenient to put the IQ program files folder into a Dropbox folder. That way, whenever I wanted to update to a newer version of IQ, I would just copy the newer IQ program files over the older program files in the Dropbox folder. That way, I would not have to update the IQ program files manually on each computer that I use. Rather, when I updated the program files on one computer, Dropbox would update the iq program files on all computers that I use.
But it finally occurred to me that running IQ from a Dropbox folder might be causing the problems I've been having with Dropbox data file syncing. In short, changes I would make to IQ items on one computer would not show up on another computer - even after (1) IQ detected the newer version of the data file in the sync folder (2) IQ prompted me to reload the data file, and (3) I had ciicked the button to do so.
I haven't tested this out yet, but did want to inquire about whether keeping the program files in a Dropbox folder is likely to cause such a problem.