Submitted by viking on 2016/10/30 03:51
Here is one way of how to reproduce my issue:
1. In a new file with sample data, add the Notes column to the Welcome Grid.
2. For the "Item" Field Properties, add conditional formatting:
        Criteria: [Notes]="work"
        Formats: BackColor=&H00FFFF
3. Close and reopen the Welcome Grid
4. Type work in the Notes column for an item => Item gets yellow highlights as it should.
Now edit the Criteria to [Notes]="Work" (capital W)
3. Close and reopen the Welcome Grid
4. Type Work in the Notes column for an item => Item does not get yellow highlights as it should. I still need to type work for it to be yellow!
I tried to redo the conditional formatting; close/reopen IQ but still can not get it to function with Work; I still need work
p.s. It seems that the online help file for Conditional Formatting  (Conditional Formatting) is missing a crucial image "conditionalformat2.png".


Is there some workaround for this bug? I have several thousand items starting with capital letters (3 different words from a drop-down list)
Can I maybe do a search and replace in the whole file? If so, how?


2016/11/01 18:47

In reply to by viking

I followed your steps and got the same results.  I don't know why it won't recognize the capitalized text.  If wasn't a programming novice, I might be able to help you.  Hopefully, someone will come on here and explain it.

I'll look into it
IQ Designer

Fixed in v85. Thanks for reporting
IQ Designer

I've updated the documentation: Conditional Formatting
Of relevance to your post:
  1. Text criteria are case sensitive. If you want case insensitive, use the "lower" function (e.g. lower([Notes]) = "work" will match both "Work" and "work"). See Conditional Formatting Reference
  2. To match text anywhere in the text field, use the "contains" keyword instead of "=" (e.g.  lower([Notes]) contains "work" will also match "some work left to do")
IQ Designer